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Bifen IT insecticide is comparable to the very popular Talstar. Bifen IT contains 7.9% bifenthrin which is an insecticide and termiticide that provides excellent control of over 75 insect pests, leaves a long-lasting residual for up to 3 months, is odorless, non-staining, dries clear and is safe around children and pets when used as directed. Bifen IT and the other bifenthrin products can be used both indoors and outdoors, on lawns and ornamentals, and even in food-handling areas of commercial establishments. One quart of Bifen IT insecticide yields 32 to 96 gallons. A low cost alternative to Talstar One.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Bifenthrin 7.9% |
Target pests |
Over 75 different insects: Spiders, Mosquitoes, Cockroaches, Ticks, Fleas, Pillbugs, Chinch Bugs, Earwigs, Millipedes and Termites * See label for complete list |
For use in |
Commercial & Residential Indoors & Outdoors: Homes, Perimeters, Ornamental Landscaping & Lawns, Industrial Buildings, Recreational areas, Athletic Fields, Livestock and Poultry Houses, Food Handling areas and others * See label for complete list Not for use as a broadcast across interior surfaces. NOT for Fruit & Vegetable Gardens |
Application | * See label for complete application instructions |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as directed on label - Safe when dry |
Formulation |
Professional Product Group 3 Insecticide |
PR CT, NY, VT (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only) |
Shipping Weight | 1.25 lbs |
Manufacturer | Control Solutions (Mfg. Number: 82004430) |
UPC | 072693044302 |
EPA Registration | 53883-118 |
Bifen IT is a liquid concentrate insecticide that contains bifenthrin, a synthetic pyrethroid. Pyrethroids work by disrupting an insect's nervous system causing a weakened state followed by death. Bifen IT does not provide an instant knockdown of pests, rather, pests pick up the residual active ingredient by contact. Bifen IT is a repellent insecticide since it acts quickly enough that social insects such as ants cannot create a pheromone trail. This means that Bifen IT will be most effective as a barrier for target pests with a thorough application.
Bifen IT is very effective on Japanese Beetles, clover mites, ants, termites, fleas, ticks, spiders, scorpions, roaches, millipedes, earwigs, army worms, mealybugs, mites, grasshoppers, pillbugs, cutworms, sod webworms, weevils, leaf miners, box elder bugs, bees, wasps, sowbugs, crickets, and turf and ornamental pests. Bifen IT even has an expanded label to include control of stink bugs indoors and outdoors.
INSECTS CONTROLLED: adelgids, American dog ticks, annual bluegrass weevils, ants, aphids, armyworms, bagworms, banks grass mites, bed bugs (not in residential areas), bees, beet armyworms, beetles, billbugs, biting flies, black turfgrass ataenius, black vine weevils, boxelder bugs, broad mites, brown soft scales, budworms, California red scale centipedes, carpet beetles, carpenter ants, centipedes, chiggers, chinch bugs, cicadas, citrus thrips, clothes moths, clover mites, cockroaches, crane flies, crickets, cutworms, deer ticks, diaprepes, dichondra flea beetles, earwigs, elm leaf beetles, European red mites, fall webworms, filth-breeding flies, firebrats, fleas, flea beetles, flies, fungus gnats, gnats, grasshoppers, gypsy moth caterpillars, hide beetles, hornets, imported fire ants, Japanese beetles, lace bugs, leaf feeding caterpillars, leafhoppers, leafminers, leafrollers, litter beetles, mealybugs, midges, millipedes, mites, mole crickets, mosquitoes, moths, orchid weevils, pecan leaf scorch mite, pillbugs, pine needle scales, pine shoot beetle, plant bugs, psyllids, roaches, San Jose scales, scorpions, silverfish, sod webworms, sow bugs, spiders (including black widow spiders), spider mites, spittlebugs, springtails, stink bugs, subterranean termites (genera Reticulitermes, Zootermopsis, Coptotermes and Heterotermes), tent caterpillars, thrips, ticks, tip moths, treehoppers, twig borers, wasps, weevils, whiteflies, wood-infesting beetles (including but not limited to old house borers and powder post), yellow jackets
Talstar One, Bifen I/T and other Bifenthrin generics control over 75 common insect pests, including termites. Bifen can be used as an indoor and outdoor pest control, turf and ornamental application, and for treating pests in food-handling areas. Both Talstar One and Bifen I/T contain microcrystals that do not break down easily with rain once they bond to surfaces. Both Talstar One and Bifen IT are clear substances that leave no stains on painted surfaces. Bifen IT can last up to 6 months outside. See below for list of approved usage sites.
Best applied with a 1 gallon sprayer. Apply to outside foundation and all entry points such as around windows, doors, etc. Always read the label completely before use.
* See the video above for general use mixing and application instruction using a Chapin Premier 1 gallon sprayer.
In and around such areas as homes, commercial and industrial buildings, recreational areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals; livestock and poultry houses; gardens, parks, lawns, grounds and other ornamental sites; flowers, foliage pants, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, shrubs, ornamental trees; interior and exterior plantscapes such as those in hotels, office buildings, shopping malls, etc.; both food/feed and nonfood areas of food/feed handling establishments; aircraft (excluding cabins), apartments, bakeries, bottling facilities, breweries, buses, cafeterias, candy plants, canneries, dairy product processing plants, food manufacturing plants, food processing plants, food service establishments, granaries, grain mills, hospitals, hotels, industrial buildings, laboratories, meat/poultry/egg processing plants, mobile/motor homes, nursing homes, offices, railcars, restaurants, schools, ships, trailers, trucks, vessels, warehouses, wineries
Use 0.33 to 1 fluid oz. per gallon of water for residual pest control in buildings and structures and on modes of transport. Apply either as a crack and crevice, pinstream, spot, coarse, low pressure spray (25 psi or less) or with a paint brush.
Apply as a coarse, low pressure, crack and crevice or spot spray to areas where pests hide, such as baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, attics and eaves, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, stoves, the underside of shelves, drawers and similar areas.
* Bifen IT may be converted to a foam for residual treatment of voids or as a spot spray when visual marking of application is desired.
* Bifen IT is NOT labeled for control of bedbugs in residential or commercial areas except for in livestock and poultry housing structures.
General application for crawling pests - Mix 0.5 to 1 oz. of Bifen IT in one gallon of water and apply to the outside foundation of the home, approx. 3 feet up the side of the house and 2 feet out from the house. Also spray entry points into the home such as around windows, pipes, doorways, etc. For general preventative treatment, apply Bifen IT once every 3 months.
Mosquitoes: To control mosquitoes around buildings, landscapes, and lawns, dilute 0.33 to 1.0 fl. oz. per gallon of water and use one gallon of dilution per 1000 square feet as a general spray. Bifen IT can be mixed at lower concentrations and applied at higher volumes to ensure application of the proper amount of product to a given area.
Bagworms: Use 0.125 to 0.25 oz. per 1,000 square feet (or 5.4 - 10.8 oz. per 100 gal.). Apply as a full coverage foliar spray. Use of a Chapin Slide Pump Sprayer will help reach higher into trees. For optimum control treat when larvae have started to hatch and are young, directing spray to contact as many larvae as possible.
Chinch Bugs: Use 0.25 to 0.5 oz. per 1,000 square feet. In order to optimize the penetration of the insecticide to location of the chinch bugs, irrigation of the grass prior to treatment may be necessary. If grass is being kept at a long mowing height or if the thatch layer is excessive, use higher volume treatments. It may be necessary to use higher application rates (up to 1 fl. oz. per 1,000 square feet) to control populations made up of both adults and nymphs in mid-summer.
Lawn applications: A hose end sprayer, such as the Chapin hose end sprayer, may be used to apply Bifen IT for lawn pests. Use up to 1.0 oz. per 1,000 square feet. Higher volume applications may be more effective with some pests, so you may want to calibrate the sprayer to a lower rate (for example, 0.25 oz/gal.) and use more water to cover a 1,000 square foot area.
Termite Applications: Bifen IT may be used for pre-construction or post-construction prevention of subterranean termites. Use 1.0 oz/gal. of water (0.06% solution) for most termite applications. For preconstruction horizontal barriers (such as under a concrete slab), use 1 gallon of solution per 10 square feet. For perimeter barrier treatments, use 4 gallons of solution per 10 linear feet. See our article How to Do a Termite Treatment, for further instructions on perimeter termite treatments. See product label for full instructions on using Bifen IT to control subterranean termites.
Compare to: Talstar P (Talstar One) *Bifen IT has the EXACT SAME label and the same amount of active ingredient as Talstar P, the more expensive brand.
Outstanding results on spiders, mosquitos, ants, fleas/ticks
By Charles on 06/18/2010
I own a campground in Texas, and I have been using Bifen IT for several years. I mix 1 ounce of Bifen IT per gallon of water and spray a fine mist on the lower branches of the trees in the campground (up to 6 feet off the ground). The mist that does not land on the tree branches falls to the ground, so I don't have to spray the ground. I treat the campground once every 6 months, and I have absolutely no problems with any insect. It kills mosquitos and ants almost immediately upon contact, and it takes about 30 seconds to kill spiders. When spiders are sprayed, they usually remain still for 15 seconds. Then they begin to feel the effects of the insecticide and their legs start moving frantically back and forth. At the end of 30 seconds the spider is dead. I'm not talking about little spiders. The spiders we have around here have bodies the size of a golf ball. By the way, I should mention that I add 1/4 cup of Dawn liquid dishwashing soap to 15 gallons of mixed insecticide. The liquid soap helps the insecticide stick to the foliage. Excellent product!
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998 of 1031 people found this review helpful
It's amazing!
By Nick on 10/09/2008
I bought Bifen IT because I saw it so highly recommended on this website. I had seen at least one cockroach each day since moving into our new house, so I knew that it needed spraying. The instructions for the Bifen IT product were clear and easy to understand. I also got a 2-gallon sprayer to use, and it worked really well. I sprayed around the foundation up to 3 feet and about 2 feet away from the house, along with any other cracks and crevices around doors, etc. I haven't seen any cockroaches in the 6 weeks since I sprayed. It's amazing! I did find a dead one outside the house around the perimeter of the porch. This stuff really works. For the price, it's a bargain, and you can save yourself a lot of money by taking the hour or so to completely do your house. I plan on re-spraying every 3 months to keep the bugs out. If you're looking for a good deal on pest control, do it yourself with Bifen IT. I also had some questions about how to use it and the customer support people here on the site were very prompt and helpful.
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620 of 648 people found this review helpful
"Secret" solution
By Sharon on 02/21/2008
I live in South Florida and about 4 years ago I noticed a 'new' variety of ant which came in fast and furious. The first year wasn't terribly bad but the second year they had multiplied 5x in numbers. I saw a pest control truck at a neighbors house and asked the guy what he knew about this new ant. He called it the "Caribbean Crazy Ant" (I looked it up on the Internet and sure enough, that was the 'new' ant). He told me that he could control this ant with a "secret" solution, and by the third year I called him for help. I live on a 1.3 acre landscaped lot with many trees, bushes, plants. He sprayed my yard and all the foliage for $200. I guess he thought that I would not attempt to spray this huge yard myself so he actually divulged his "secret" solution. He told me he used Talstar. So back to the Internet I went and found the generic Bifen IT brand. I ordered it and sprayed my own yard the next year for less than $30. The ants stayed away from my house and I will use this product each and every spring from this point on! BTW: of course, not only did it control the crazy ants, it has kept all other pests away as well!
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528 of 555 people found this review helpful
Great stuff
By Butch on 06/22/2009
I like this better than Malathion and Sevin. I spray our lawn, perennials, annuals, shrubs, trees, rain gutters, under our deck and foundation with Bifen IT. I'm on a wooded acre and spray as much of my property as I can. I give everything a good wet spray with a hose end sprayer which offers more coverage than a tank sprayer. I spray a few days after a rain when everything is dried out. I've always thought that the rain and moisture breeds mosquitoes so that is a good time to spray them. There is no odor. But it's the insect protection that is fantastic. We spend a lot of time outside in the yard and gardens. We also spend a lot of time on our back deck at night. In the past it would be unbearable. This stuff kills bugs dead and keeps killing which seems like weeks at a time. Pesky mosquitoes and gnats are history. If you wanna be able to spend time outside and those flying insects are a problem then this is the stuff you need. I just hope the state doesn't outlaw it.
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462 of 486 people found this review helpful
Extremely effective
By Scott on 06/15/2008
I use Bifen IT to control fleas outside where my cat hangs out (front porch and adjacent yard area). It has proven to be extremely effective when applied every 3 to 4 months during the spring and summer. I highly recommend this product.
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380 of 403 people found this review helpful
I have three dogs, and I am scared to use chemicals.
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Bifen IT
Rating: 4.7 (1,588 Reviews / 692 Q&A)