The amount of surfactant you use with Celsius per gallon of water is going to depend on the brand of surfactant you use. It is recommended to use a non-ionic surfactant with Celsius. The two most common non-ionic surfactants we sell are Southern Ag Non-Ionic Surfactant or Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker. Please refer to the product page for each surfactant to determine how much needs to be mixed per gallon of water.
As with most herbicides the exact volume of water is not very important, you just need to be sure you are getting the correct amount of product on a specific area. Celsius may be applied at three different rates depending on the weeds to be controlled. For the appropriate rate and species consult USE RATES FOR WEED CONTROL section on the Celsius product label. For spot applications, add the specified product rate of 0.057-0.113 oz (1.6-3.2g) to enough water to create approximately 1 gallon spray solution. One gallon of spray solution will treat up to 1,000 sq ft. For maximum weed control with broadcast applications, add non-ionic surfactant.
Depending on the weed you're treating, it could take anywhere from 1-4 weeks for you to see results with Celsius WG Herbicide. Weed control may be reduced if application is made in the prescense of heavy dew, fog, and mist/rain or when weeds are under stress due to a drought. For best results, do not irrigate until spray has dried. For maximum weed control with broadcast applications, add a non-ionic surfactant.
Celsius WG Herbicide should be applied with a pump sprayer or backpack sprayer when rain is not expected within 24 hours of application so you may need to reapply. Keep in mind that it can take 1-4 weeks for the doveweed to die completely.
The product label for Celsius WG does state: For maximum weed control with broadcast applications, add non-ionic surfactant (NIS) at recommended rate to the spray solution. For difficult-to-control weeds, add methylated seed oil (MSO) at a rate of 0.5-1% v/v to the spray solution.
Celsius WG Herbicide is labeled to kill several species of clover.
Celsius WG Herbicide is labeled to treat for Johnsongrass.
Unfortunately, we no longer carry Celsius WG. However, according to the product label, Celsius will become rainfast approx. 4-6 hours after application. Runoff of this product will be reduced by avoiding applications when rainfall is forecast to occur within 48 hours.
As long as the temperature during the application of the Celsius WG Herbicide is not 85 degrees or above, then it does not matter what temperature it reaches mid day. The best time to apply herbicides is either early morning when dew is still fresh on the ground or late afternoon when the lawn and weeds are under less stress from the environment. Temperatures over 85 degrees will cause extra stress on your desirable turf, possibly causing damage.
Celsius does not kill or suppress annual bluegrass/poa annua. Please let us know what kind of turfgrass you have so that we can recommend a product that will work for your needs.
Celsius WG Herbicide works best when soil temperatures are above 65 degrees per the product label. Symptom development may be slow in weeds treated under cool conditions (soil temperatures 65 degrees or less)