Customer Reviews for Celsius WG Herbicide

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4.4 of 5 stars
(74 customer reviews)
Celsius WG Herbicide

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  • 2 of 5 Stars

    DMO Pest Control

    By Anonymous on 06/08/2013

    This company deletes posts that are not positive for their product. I have ordered and used this product. Show some ethics and post this.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    This is not true. Just look around our site and you will see that we post negative reviews all the time.

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    48 of 79 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Creeping beggarweed in St. Augustine at bay house in Texas.

    By Betty on 06/27/2012

    Verified Purchase

    Creeping beggarweed was taking over my St. Augustine grass at my bay house in Rockport, Tx. Other herbicides I tried did not even phase this weed. I followed the mixing instructions in 1 gal. sprayer with the sufficant added. I used about 6 gallons initially on June 15th and within 5 days the beggarweed was dead or dying. I mixed another gallon this week and spot sprayed the weed where I missed the first time. Thank goodness Celsius kills this obnoxious interloper. Of course, I would like it even more if it was less expensive but under the circumstances I was thrilled to find something so effective on this pest.

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    55 of 55 people found this review helpful

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