By by crabgrass....
By Marcus on 07/23/2012
I wasn't sure at first that this product will work. But as soon as I applied the Celsius to my lawn the crabgrass stop growing and over the course of 4 weeks the crabgrass was dying and almost completely gone,my Bermuda choke it out...
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79 of 87 people found this review helpful
Celsius WG Herbicide works great
By Pete on 10/11/2012
It seems like this has worked really well on my lawn trying to get rid of Dollarweed. I've tried Atrazine and Image in the past with minamal results. It did not hurt my Saint Augustine grass at all. I would definitely recommend this product. The only thing I would say is that a 10oz bottle is probably a 10 year supply. So I sprayed my neighbors yard and my mother-in laws yard as well.
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62 of 64 people found this review helpful
Creeping beggarweed in St. Augustine at bay house in Texas.
By Betty on 06/27/2012
Creeping beggarweed was taking over my St. Augustine grass at my bay house in Rockport, Tx. Other herbicides I tried did not even phase this weed. I followed the mixing instructions in 1 gal. sprayer with the sufficant added. I used about 6 gallons initially on June 15th and within 5 days the beggarweed was dead or dying. I mixed another gallon this week and spot sprayed the weed where I missed the first time. Thank goodness Celsius kills this obnoxious interloper. Of course, I would like it even more if it was less expensive but under the circumstances I was thrilled to find something so effective on this pest.
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55 of 55 people found this review helpful
Celsius WG Herbicide
By Harry on 09/30/2014
Celsius WG Herbicide works well
By Anonymous on 08/14/2013
I ordered this product because I had a severe breakout of crabgrass in my Bermuda lawn due to the unusually wet spring and summer we are having in NE Atlanta. After 1 application the crab grass (and other weeds) is completely gone, I will apply one more treatment just to make sure, but I would highly recommend this product.
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35 of 40 people found this review helpful
Works well on Centipede
By Neal on 08/18/2014
I applied this at the highest rate in the July heat of south Ga. My centipede was well watered and growin and did not show any stress from the application. I have Chamber Bitterweed, Doveweed, and Florida Betony, Bahia, and other unidentified weeds. The Bitterweed show the effects within a couple of days as did the Betony. The Doveweed and Bahia took a couple of weeks. I highly recommend this product bc of it's ability to use it in the heat on the sensitive warm season grasses.
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29 of 32 people found this review helpful
One of the best herbicides for St Augustine grass
By Somebody on 07/07/2014
Works great but be careful mixing
By Mark on 04/22/2018
This product works great and will take care of most of the common problematic weeds if applied correctly. I have applied it to centipede, St. Augustine, and Zoysia. It has done a number on the Lespedeza in my lawn. One note worth careful when mixing in certain sprayers. The backpack sprayer I used did not mix well when following the instructions which led to the first 300-400sqft of yard having damage to the turf grass (most likely due to a higher concentration of herbicide). The rest of the yard was mixed separately in another container and I have not seen this issue and everything is looking great. I imagine this is why several reviews state damage to their lawn. Just a word of caution.
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15 of 15 people found this review helpful
We use a lot of Celius
By Matt on 08/27/2014
I use this product professionally with my lawn service company. It is great because it will kill just about every broadleaf weed when applied with a MES100 properly. I've only had trouble with chamber bitter, everything else is gone without harming St. Augustine.
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14 of 16 people found this review helpful
Celsius WG Herbicide
By Christina on 12/03/2014
We live on the eastcoast of central Florida on a sandy ridge. I applied this herbicide around 11/1 while the daytime temps. were around 80-85d F. I did a spot application in the late evening (large areas but not the entire lawn). I just surveyed the lawn and notice about an 70% reduction in the weeds I sprayed. Some weeds completely shriveled up and died, leaving bare spots. I still see some stubborn yellow dollar weed hanging in there, but most of them are gone too. Some crabgrasses didn't budge. None of my lawn got damaged, even the areas that got a double spray (I ran out of daylight and mixture one day and started again two evenings later and overlapped some areas). I am satisfied with this product and will continue using it. The granules dissolve easily and I didn't have any trouble with clogging etc. I did use a non-ionic surfactant.
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14 of 14 people found this review helpful
Celsius WG - Virginiaonweed infestation
By Chuck on 10/01/2014
Second year I have used this product. Virginia buttonweed crowded out pasture of bahai and another of Bermuda. First application in spring then another in fall has actually killed this scourge. first week their appears no killing happening. At end of 20 days it is mostly dead.
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14 of 16 people found this review helpful
Anxious to try on Buttonweed
By Anonymous on 08/26/2013
Just ordered some and a scale to measure grams and oz. so we can apply properly. All feedback is great online and this 28 yr. battle may be somewhat over. Buyers please note Update from Bayer on ionic surfactant in spot treatments. This is encouraging news for us lawn freaks. I gave it 5 stars out of pure optimism. Fingers crossed.
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14 of 17 people found this review helpful
Celsius for Floratam, St. Augustine grass
By Steve on 03/11/2013
Good product
By Anonymous on 08/18/2013
Death to Virginia Buttonweed
By Ed on 07/25/2017
This stuff is like Dirty made my day. Has killed the Virginia Buttonweed in my recently sodded Palmetto St. Augustine lawn and the grass is doing fine. I did notice that the grass is not growing as fast as before, but that is noted in the literature and should be temporary (Celsius has two means of killing, one of which interrupts the growth process). I highly recommend that everyone in the world buy it and make buttonweed extinct.
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11 of 12 people found this review helpful
Celsius is HOT!
By Barbara on 07/24/2014
Seems to be working on St. Augustine lawn
By Robert on 10/14/2014
This is the first product I have tried in 3 years to combat Virginia buttonweed as well as Japanese clover. After 1 application it seem the weeds are dying. Thanks to our Ag rep for the info and for supplying the product very quickly.
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7 of 9 people found this review helpful
Weed Killer
By Ashok on 04/23/2013
By David on 03/10/2023
Finally something that works.
By Daniel on 09/25/2023
Just finishing up my second summer with my new lawn. I spent last summer attacking fifty different kinds of weeds in the lawn with almost every different herbicide available at the big box stores, to no avail. I decided to try Celsius this year after much research. The Celsius has eliminated almost every weed in my yard. Now that I am down to just a couple different weeds I can identify them and determine what I will need to control them. Looking forward to a weed free yard next summer. Thanks to the folks at Do My Own and Celsius.????
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4 of 5 people found this review helpful
Kills Chamber Bitter one of the toughest weeds to get rid of
By Barry on 07/21/2023
Dollar Weeds
By Allen on 05/05/2023
This stuff is the shit.
By Mark on 07/31/2020
Great product
By Jim on 08/27/2024
Works GREAT, but really, REALLY slowly so be patient
By James on 08/23/2023
Applied it on crabgrass that was on my Bermuda grass lawn. After 2 weeks, the crabgrass was as green and healthy as ever. At least it wasn't killing my Bermuda grass! Then I mowed my lawn on week 3 and by week 4, I noticed that the crab grass, which usually would be 5 inches tall after 1 week, was not growing although it was still green and alive. After 2 months, it is now clear that the crab grass is now dead and all brown. This stuff really works, just very slowly.
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2 of 2 people found this review helpful
For my Bermuda High Ph Soil
By Kt on 05/12/2023
Worked wonders!!! A coworker told me to get this since it's a new lawn and no pre emergent had been laid. Sprayed it in a 2 gallon container with surfactant, weeds turned yellow by the night and none are in sight. My lawn was full of them and is absolutely gorgeous now!
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Bayer Celius WG
By Don on 08/31/2024
Good Price, Fast delivery
By Paul on 06/07/2024
Good Stuff
By Bill on 10/27/2023
Been looking for this product for a long while.
By John on 09/17/2023
So far so good ( has only been applied for about a week. Been looking for selective herbicide safe to use in hot weather on my St. Augustine and zoysia lawn areas. Starting to see some toxicity on the weeds and no apparent affect on the lawn.
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful