Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide is only labeled to control cercospora leaf spot on hydrangeas, if that is what you are referring to.
There is no time limit for overseeding after an application of Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide. You will want to apply when you are not expecting rain for at least 24 hrs.
Typically tank mixing a fungicide like Eagle 20EW and an herbicide would not be an issue. Always follow the most restrictive label of any products you plan to tank mix.
Typically tank mixing a fungicide like Eagle 20EW and an insecticide/herbicide would not be an issue. Always follow the most restrictive label of any products you plan to tank mix. We recommend a jar test to make sure everything is compatible.
The usage rate for Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide will depend on what you are treating for. Please refer to the product label for specific application instructions.
Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide temperature restrictions can vary depending on the target disease. Please refer to the product label for complete information.
There is not a specific time period you have to wait to apply a post-emergent herbicide after applying Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide. We recommend waiting until one application has dried before applying the other.
Eagle 20EW is used on golf course fairways, roughs, tees and greens, commercial and residential stone fruit trees, apple trees and grapes, and other landscape ornamentals. We recommend that you consult with the applicator and the manufacturer regarding the safety of the trees and fruits if already applied.
Eagle 20 EW Fungicide is a great option for use on palm trees and other ornamentals. The rate the product is used at depends on the disease you are treating for. Please refer to the product label for complete instructions.
As long as the birds are out of the area during the application and until it has had time to dry, it will be safe for birds and other animals.
Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide can be applied to roses for black spot at 8 fl oz/100 gallons (0.08 fl oz per gallon) and apply every 7 to 10 days per the product label.
No, Eagle 20EW is not labeled for mahonia specifically.
A product that is labeled for it is Ferti-Lome Broad Spectrum Landscape and Garden Fungicide, and it does treat rust on it.
We do carry several different fungicides that can be used in the MidWest depending on the type of fungus that you are actually needing to treat. If you are treating for brown patch, Eagle 20EW is the most popular product. We cannot comment on whether the grass is dormant or truly dead based on the information provided.
If the disease is getting worse after you have applied the Eagle 20EW, the granules and the products from your local home improvement store, I would suggest that you speak to your local Master Gardener. They can help you with timing of application, determine what other causes or factors are going on with the crepe myrtles and the magnolias.
Yes, Eagle 20EW Fungicide can be used inside of a hose end sprayer. We would recommend checking the label for the specific fungus you are treating for to find out how much product you will need to mix in a gallon of water.
Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide would be used at a rate of 2-3 fl oz per 100 gallons for leaf spot on cherries. This can break down to 0.02 to 0.03 fl oz per 1 gallon.