Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer - Questions & Answers

Displaying 41 to 60 (of 65 questions)
  • Asked by Amy from Santa Barbara, Ca
    Used a whole bottle of Ferti-lome on advice from my dad and already lost another oak... help!!!
    I cut down a 2' round oak tree and then brushed it with Ferti-lome to kill it as directed by the label. A week later is was sending up suckers so my dad and the arborist just said to drill a bunch of holes and pour the whole bottle into the stump, so I did so. Two months later a small oak tree about 8 feet away died and I had it removed, I already unfortunately see signs of browning leaves on a few branches of a big beautiful oak tree about 10' away from the original stump. I'm sick about it and don't know what to do! I'm so sad I'm going to lose that bigger oak tree, it would be horrible. I'm 2 months out from the original application to the original stump. Any advice on how to help that bigger oak recover from this toxic shock would be appreciated. Not sure if I can at this point or if it's just a hope and pray situation and I'm never using herbicides again!
    We are sorry to hear that nearby trees have been affected; however, this is also not surprising since the Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer was applied in a way that is not listed on the product label. The active ingredient in this product, triclopyr, can have long soil residual, so it may be possible for the product that was poured to be reaching the roots of other plants. Also, with the extreme heat that the Western US has had over the past few weeks, herbicides like this one will be much more volatile, increasing the risk of drift to nearby plants.

    We are not arborists, so we are unsure if the larger tree may be permanently damaged. If the plants are already stressed from heat or drought, then they can be more susceptible to damage. You may consider contacting your local Cooperative Extension office for better assistance (and a recommend for a different arborist). We wish you luck!
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  • Asked by Mary from Hasbrouck Heights, Nj
    Would Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer work on Japanese Knotwood?
    I originally thought it was bamboo. After sending photos to several bamboo removal companies, only1 responded. It's not bamboo but Japanese Knotweed and they don't do that. It is spreading like crazy and I need it removed or destroyed before it destroys my foundation. HELP!!

    Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer is not labeled for Japanese Knotwood. We recommend that you use a combination of products together to try to control this weed. Using Roundup QuickPro in a tank mix with Crossbow herbicide has shown pretty good results for several of our customers. Japanese Knotweed is definitely a very hardy weed and is tough to control, even with the best products, but this combo should help. 

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  • Asked by Jackie from Hurricane, Utah
    Will Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer kill Quaking Aspen roots that spread 50+ feet away from the trees? Will it kill the entire root system?

    Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer would control Aspen roots when applied as a stump killer to cut stumps after the tree is cut down.  It should not be applied to any exposed roots of desirable trees to avoid any injury.

    Please view the Stump Treatment instructions on page 6 of the product label for more information. 

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  • Asked by Sharon from Cottage Grove
    Does Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer contain glyphosate?

    Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer does not contain glyphosate. The active ingredient is: Triclopyr, triethylamine salt 8.8%

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  • Asked by Roger from Sahuarita, Az
    Will Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer work to permanently kill suckers that keep coming up around my olive tree base?
    Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer can be used for suckers you spray directly, it will not prevent any new ones.
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  • Asked by Angela from Casselberry Florida
    Will Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer hurt the pipes below the surface?
    My stump sits over the pool fountain. Will this product seep into the ground and hurt the pipes?

    Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer should not impact the pipes when used as labeled. 

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  • Asked by Kevin from Westmoreland, Tn
    Killing willow stumps on pond dam with Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer
    Can this be used to kill willow stumps on pond dam and not contaminate the water? Massive root system goes out in water remain after cutting trees in the fall. Stumps are less than 4 inches in diameter.

    Killing stumps/trees which have roots that run into water areas can be tricky. Most stump killer products do not address aquatic life safety from indirect applications that could impact them, so we couldn't say for certain if applying just to the fresh cut of the stump, if the Fertilome Brush and Stump Killer would have a negative impact. You can always contact the manufacturer directly to see if they have any specific use instructions they would suggest for that application. You can reach VPG at 888-583-5296, An alternative option to try would be using aquatic plant killing products like Roundup Aquatic or Hi Yield 2,4D which may take multiple treatments, but are safe for aquatic life whether the product gets into the water directly or indirectly. 


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  • Asked by Kurt from Phoenix, Az
    Will Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer work on killing the root system of a sissoo tree?
    We're having a company cut down and grind our sissoo trees and apply an herbicide to the stump. But for any ancillary sprouts that pop up before the stump is fully dead, will this product work on killing those sprouts/roots? And does this leach through the soil to other plants in the area?

    Yes! You need to use something like Fertilome Brush & Stump Killer or Crossbow and apply it undiluted to the freshly cut stumps/roots and then use it at either full strength or the highest dilution on any shoots that are coming up around the main stump. This will penetrate further into the root system to kill it out. You may have to cut back new shoots from time to time in the beginning as the Crossbow and Stump Killer products will only kill what has already emerged from the ground, not prevent the new seedlings still below the surface from sprouting up. Over time the stump and root system should die out and eventually break down in the soil. As long as the Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer is only applied to the trees you need to kill, it will not effect surrounding trees.

    Thank you, 


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  • Asked by Butch
    Will Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer kill young mesquite trees?

    When used as directed on the Product Label regarding Stump Treatments, the Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer can be used to kill mesquite tree stumps. You should cut the tree down as low to the ground as you can for best results.  
    Stump Treatment: Apply undiluted product with a paint brush to completely cover the fresh cut surface

    It will not control growing trees.

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  • Asked by David from Las Vegas , Nv.
    I have a below ground level stump freshly ground. How soon can I bury it after applying Fertilome stump killer?
    Also is drilling holes in stump and adding stump killer to holes as effective then burying stump?

    Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer is generally used right after cutting to prevent stumps from resprouting. You could potentially cover the stump as soon as the herbicide application is dry. This, however, is not a product that would contribute to faster decay of the stump. If you want to drill holes and increase the speed of decay, then we recommend using Hi-Yield Stump Remover instead.

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  • Asked by Yehiel from Sherman Oaks
    Can I just pour the Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer into drilled hole?
    I have a stump about 3 feet round. I drilled holes in the stump so the liquid will go straight to the roots. Do I have to pour some around the stump?

    The product label for Ferti-Lome Brush Killer & Stump Killer states as follows:  "To kill stumps and prevent sprouting, apply the undiluted product with a paint brush or backpack sprayer to completely cover the freshly cut surface.  Do not reuse paint brush.  Wrap in several layers of newspaper and discard in trash."

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  • Asked by Barbara from Springfield, Il
    Can I plant squash, pumpkins, watermelon, and/or cantelope after applying Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer ?

    Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer  does persist in the soil so if you did treat the soil the manufacturer recommends that you wait 6-8 months before you replant anything in the area.

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  • Asked by Calvin from Ut
    Will Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer kill my grass?

    Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer should not kill your grass but it will harm trees, vines, or ornamental plants if used as directed.

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  • Asked by Kara
    Will Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer work on yucca tree stumps?

    Yes, you can use Fertilome Brush and Stump Killer for yucca tree stumps.  Per the product label: To kill stumps and prevent sprouting, apply the undiluted product with a paint brush or backpack sprayer to completely cover the freshly cut surface.”

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  • Asked by Chris from New Smyrna, Fl
    Will Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer kill Mexican Petunia?

    Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer  is not specifically labeled for Mexican Petunia. We suggest trying Prime Source Triclopyr 3A or either digging these plants out, making sure to get all of their roots, or applying a glyphosate product such as Roundup QuickPro Herbicide which will kill anything it is applied to, and then digging up the roots to prevent regrowth.

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  • Asked by Brenda from Abbeville
    Do I dilute Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer to treat vines?
    I lost the instruction booklet.

    You will cut the vine first and treat with Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer as directed for stump treatment (undiluted). You can find the product label and instructions here.

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  • Asked by Fred from 30341
    Will Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer be effective now, in January?
    I plan to remove many laurel cherry tree seedlings; most are 1/2 inch or less in diameter. If I lop the stem a couple of inches above the ground and apply a squirt of Fertilome B/S killer now, will the plant be killed, or should I wait a month or two? Thanks, Fred

    You can use a product like the Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer as either a foliar spray or a cut stump treatment. For a stump treatment, you would cut the stumps and apply the product undiluted directly to the fresh cuts. It may be difficult to do a cut stump treatment on very small seedlings, so you can wait until the seedlings have some leaves and are actively growing. At that point, you could do a foliar spray by using 4-8 oz in 1 gallon of water at a rate of 1 gallon of solution per 500 square feet, being sure to wet all leaves thoroughly.

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  • Asked by Judith from Oak Grove
    Will using Fertilome Brush Killer on willows on a pond dam contaminate the water?
    Can I cut and squirt after frost.?

    Fertilome Brush Killer should not be applied directly to water. We would recommend using the product at least 3 feet away so that it does not get into the water.

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  • Asked by Dave from Culpepper, Va
    Is Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer effective on Autumn Olive and Ailanthus stumps?
    When applied by brushing onto freshly cut stumps.

    For Autumn Olive, it is recommended that after cutting large bushes, it is best to immediately apply a glyphosate herbicide or Fertilome Brush Killer. If new shoots appear later, spray them to kill them. The most successful method is to remove the autumn olive bush, roots and all. 

    Fertilome Brush Killer Label 

    Tordon RTU Herbicide is labeled to treat Ailanthus stumps. For stump treatment, it is recommended to spray or paint the cut surfaces of freshly cut stumps and stubs with undiluted Tordon RTU. Please follow all label instructions. 

    Tordon RTU Label

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  • Asked by Emily
    Would Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer product work on wisteria?
    We removed two large wisteria vines from our property, including as much of the roots as we could get, but continue to have regrowth from the remaining root pieces in the ground.

    Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer is labeled to kill vines, but not wisteria specifically. So it very well could work if you have it cut back, and spray it on the remaining roots however, we could not guarantee that it would work 100%.

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Displaying 41 to 60 (of 65 questions)