This is the gasser to get!
By Tyler on 06/09/2020
Lit four of these (two into each of two entrances to a groundhog hole) -- it was truly wild to see how much smoke they output. Covered the groundhog holes afterwards and have not seen the suckers since. If you have a deep tunnel network made by moles or some other critters, I have seen people online take a shop vac, put it into reverse and push air into the hole after lighting one of these. I can imagine that would work extremely well after using this product if you're at wits end.
Smoke Bomb/gasser
By Bill on 07/03/2020
Mole destroyer
By Pandora on 09/15/2020
Whack a Mole
By Spike on 09/18/2020
Ordered the 12 Card Destroyer Smoke Gassers. I have been fighting these moles for a while. Received my product promptly, and in perfect condition. I have started my regiment of gassing out these pesky yard destroyers. I had quiet a few so it took a couple of cards to get started. The morning mole mounds slowed, and So far I am winning the battle. We were also using coffee ground to repel them, but it was not working alone. The other day a few hours after using the Gassers, a mole crawled out of his hole into the grass running from the gas. Looks like the next tact will simply be Whack a Mole.
Works great!
By Craig on 12/04/2020
Definitely works!
By John on 06/07/2024
Moles and whatever is tearing up the yard
By Karl on 10/11/2024