Customer Reviews for Protecta EVO Express Bait Station

Rating Snapshot

Average Customer Rating

4.8 of 5 stars
(93 customer reviews)
Showing only 2 star reviews - See all reviews
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  • 2 of 5 Stars


    By William on 07/03/2019

    Verified Purchase

    No instructions included. No bait included. Bait through DoMyOwn costs more than $58. Very disappointing.

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  • 2 of 5 Stars

    Mouse problem

    By J on 07/31/2020

    I was surprised to pay $82 for 4 empty boxes & weights. I found out by calling in w/a question of how they worked. It would have been so much better to have directions included & told me I needed to buy poison instead of putting out empty boxes thinking I was solving the problem.

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  • 2 of 5 Stars


    By Ron on 11/08/2019

    This is an awful product. The latch won't stay down and keeps popping open. I am very disappointed.

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    2 of 4 people found this review helpful

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