We usually do not recommend applying herbicides or fungicides using a hose end applicator. Applying using a hand held or backpack sprayer offers better accuracy of application. You can apply a non-selective herbicide such as RoundUP QuikPro for eliminating anything currently on the driveway in a hose end sprayer. However, you would only want to use a hose end sprayer if you wanted to kill all vegetation in a large area. You must be careful when applying this product so it does not get on any plant or grass that you do not want to kill. Also be attentive to over-spray when applying QuikPRO on a windy day. Please refer to the product label to apply the usage rate needed for your use.
These 1.5 ounce packs are mixed with just 1 gallon of water. They are really meant for smaller jobs and homeowner use. If you need to treat a larger area with 100 gallons of water, you should purchase Ranger Pro. Ranger Pro is a much more economical form of round up that works just as good. Typically you would mix 1 to 2 2.5 gallon jugs per 100 gallons of water.
While the term Rattlesnake Weed could refer to many different plants, the one you are likely finding is Florida Betony. Usually brush killers or other herbicides designed to treat vines and brush are more effective at controlling this plant than glyphosate products like RoundUp. If you can provide the type of desirable turfgrass you have, then we can give you a specific recommendation that will not harm your turfgrass. We would not recommend using fertilizer on plants that you intend to kill; post-emergent herbicides will be most effective when target weeds are young and actively growing.
"No soil residual" means that Roundup QuikPro does not remain in the soil after being applied. It should be applied directly to the foliage of the weeds you are trying to eliminate.
Yes, RoundUp QuikPRO 1.5 oz packs can be used in a hose end sprayer. However, you would only want to use a hose end sprayer if you wanted to kill all vegetation in a large area. You must be careful when applying this product so it does not get on any plant or grass that you do not want to kill. Also, be attentive to over spray when applying RoundUp QuikPRO on a windy day.
You want to wait at least 2 weeks after Roundup QuikPRO - 5 x 1.5 oz. packs to replant.
Roundup QuikPRO is a nonselective herbicide, which means that it will kill just about anything that it is sprayed on, including your grass. If you can give us more information about the type(s) of weeds you need to kill, we would be happy to recommend a product that you can use that will take care of the weeds and will not harm the grass.
Spot treating will allow you focus your application directly to the targeted weeds and not damaging your grass. Roundup QuickPRO is a non-selective systemic herbicide and will only kill the weeds that are sprayed. It does not stay in the soil so any weeds that are beneath soil, will not be affected. You can reseed or resod two weeks after application. Multiple applications may be needed. For further assistance on what the best herbicides are for treating buffalograss in your region, contact your local Master Gardener.
St. Augustine is very sensitive turf species and torpedo grass is very hard to treat. We apologize, but we are not aware of a product that will treat torpedo grass and not harm St. Augustine turf. You may want to consider spot treating with RoundUp and then reseed/resod the treated areas.
Unfortunately there is not an herbicide that would kill the quackgrass without damage cool season turf, such as Kentucky Bluegrass. If only a small area of the lawn is affected by the outbreak, spray only the affected area with RoundUp Quick Pro. If the problem amounts to no more than a few spears of quackgrass in an area of your lawn, paint the individual spears with diluted RoundUp QuickPro. Becareful to avoid getting the product on desirable grass. If most of the lawn has been affected by quackgrass, the only sure fire way to get rid of it is to spray the entire lawn with Roundup. Spray when the lawn is growing actively, preferably in the spring. The treatment will kill the lawn grass as well as the quackgrass. After about two weeks, you may begin the replanting.
Using a Roundup or stump killer product containing Glyphosate has been successful in killing black bamboo. Please take a look at the following steps below and product recommendations and let us know if you have any questions.
Step 1. Cut the bamboo down to soil level in late winter and wait for new shoots to grow back in late spring/ early summer. Bamboo herbicide won't be effective if the canes of the bamboo are well-developed.
Step 2. Using a shovel, cut off any underground rhizomes when new shoots start to grow back. Break up as many clumps of rhizomes as possible.
Step 3. Apply Roundup QuickPro (Glyphosate) Herbicide to the leaves, stalks, and shoots of the bamboo. Glyphosate herbicide only kills the plants that it comes into direct contact with. This means that you'll need to be careful about applying it only to the bamboo. Most glyphosate herbicides need to be sprayed onto the leaves, stalks, and shoots of the plant and allowed enough time to penetrate before any water dilutes it.
(If you have desirable vegetation surrounding the black bamboo, you can use a paint brush and "paint" the stalks and leaves of the bamboo.)
Step 4. Stump Killer Option: Alternately, use a stump and root killer on the bamboo. Another way to mow down bamboo in its tracks is to cut down the canes and then apply a stump and root killer containing triclopyr to the foliage of any regrowth and to the cut stump.
Hi Yield Triclopyr Ester Ultra
Step 5. Repeat treatment: One application won't eradicate the infestation; bamboo is tough and has a tendency to spread like wildfire. As the bamboo continues to send up shoots, you'll need to continually apply the herbicide treatment to the leaves, stalks, and shoots of the plant in order to properly exterminate it. You should also use this herbicide method in conjunction with rooting out the rhizomes of the bamboo, so that it doesn't keep sending up shoots.