SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle - Questions & Answers

Displaying 21 to 40 (of 50 questions)
  • Asked by Brad from Ft Worth, Texas
    Can I apply SedgeHammer via 20:1 hose end sprayer to celebration Bermuda without damage?
    Purple nutsedge is littered throughout my Bermuda.
    We would not advise to spray SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle via a hose end sprayer. 
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  • Asked by Hunter from Alabama
    Is SedgeHammer Herbicide safe for centipede grass?

    Yes, SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle is safe to use on centipede as directed on the product label.

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  • Asked by Brian from Grosse Ile, Mi
    Does Sedge Hammer have an expiration date or shelflife?
    If so, how long is a bottle good for? Also does that date Chang w once opened? I have 9,000 sq ft that needs to be treated. I am hoping I can buy the bottle to save on costs and have left overs for the following year.

    Yes, SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle is a great product for nutsedge! It has a 3 yr year shelf life from the date of purchase if stored away from extreme temperatures. If diluted, you will want to apply within 24 hrs of mixing for the most effective control.

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  • Asked by Don from Wichita, Ks
    How long should I wait following the use of SedgeHammer before overseeding tall or fine fescue ?
    SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle can be applied 4 weeks before overseeding fescues. 
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  • Asked by Caio from Columbus, Ohio
    Over application
    I used 13 scoops (.09G) that comes with the product in 13 gallons of water with the correct amount of surfactant. That should treat a 13,000 SqFt yard. My problem. I have a 6,800 SqFt yard. and used all 13 gallons. Did I just burn my entire lawn? Any help is greatly appreciated.
    An over application of SedgeHammer Herbicide can injure your lawn, only time will tell the extent of the damage. You could try to apply activated charcoal if it's within a few hours if you are able to locate one.
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  • Asked by Greg from Nixa, Mo
    What is the shelf life of SedgeHammer Herbicide?
    The shelf life of SedgeHammer Herbicide is about 3 years. We recommend to keep it stored in a cool, dry place, out of extreme temperatures.
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  • Asked by Anthony from Nashville
    Can Sedgehammer be mixed with Drive XLR8 and maintain effectiveness?
    Yes, you can tank mix SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle and Drive XLR8 as you add a surfactant with it.   Per the Drive label: The most restrictive labeling applies with any tank mix. To increase spectrum of control of broadleaf and other weeds, Drive XLR8 may be tank mixed with 2,4-D, Triclopyr, and other broadleaf herbicides. Make sure to do a tank mix test first for any clumping or discoloration before applying to the lawn.     
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  • Asked by Mike from Georgia
    After spot spraying SedgeHammer Herbicide how long should I wait to water the lawn?
    Best results are obtained with no rainfall or irrigation for at least 4 hours after an application of SedgeHammer Herbicide, but we recommend waiting at least 24 hours.
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  • Asked by John from Loyal
    Can SedgeHammer Herbicide be used on a hay field that is grazed late season?
    Hay comes off soon and I would spray as soon as we see the 3 leaf stage. Is it safe to apply and then graze several weeks later?

    Sedgehammer is not labeled for grazing pastures at all. You would need to keep grazing animals off of treated areas for at least one year post treatment. 

    Please view our Range and Pasture Herbicides for alternative recommendations. 

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  • Asked by Michael from Johnston City, Illinois
    How soon SedgeHammer Herbicide pet safe after the application?

    SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle is pet safe when used as directed on the manufacturer's product label.  Pets should be removed from the area while the product is being applied.  Once the treated area has completely dried, it is then safe for pets to re-enter the area.

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  • Asked by Rebecca from Pinehurst Nc
    Will it kill spotted spurge?
    I use this product to control nutsedge but will also kill spotted spurge?
    SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle is not labeled to control for spotted spurge. 
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  • Asked by Cheyne from Estell Manor Nj
    Can this be mixed with another herbicide for post emergence control of crabgrass in turf type tall fescue?
    If it can be mixed what product do you recommend for crabgrass ?
    You can tank mix SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle with Drive following each product label.  Per the Drive label: The most restrictive labeling applies with any tankmix. To increase spectrum of control of broadleaf and other weeds, Drive XLR8 may be tank mixed with 2,4-D, Triclopyr, and other broadleaf herbicides. Make sure to do a tankmix test first for any clumping or discoloring before applying to the lawn.
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  • Asked by Robert from Dunedin Florida
    Will SedgeHammer Herbicide kill skunkvine?

    No, SedgeHammer Herbicide is not labeled for skunkvine therefore would not be recommended.

    Skunkvine is a dificult vine to treat and there are not really any selective herbicides specifcally labeld for it. Eliminating skunkvine will require multiple applications using a non selective herbicide like Roundup QuickPRO while the vines are connected to the root system in the ground. 

    Alternative herbicide active ingredients known for eliminating skunkvine after multiple treatments would be products using triclopyr and/or imazapyr. These herbicides will remain in the soil for long periods of time therefore should not be used where future seeding or planting will take place.

    Please contact your County Cooperative Extension Office for their recommendations for treating Skunkvine in your county.  

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  • Asked by Phyllis from Vidor
    I read in one of the answers you cant use this product in pastures to be grazed?
    The whole point is to rid my pastures of this trash nutsedge! So i cant use this where my animals would graze?

    That is correct since SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle is not labeled for grazing. Products have to be labeled for it in order to be used in that manner. 

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  • Asked by Katie from Clayton,al.
    Can you use Sledgehammer in your vegetable garden with out it hurting my peas and beans other veggies
    Do not apply SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle as an over-the-top spray to desirable flowers, ornamentals, vegetables, shrubs or trees.
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  • Asked by Kathy from Cincinnati Oh
    what is the shelf life of sedgehammer
    SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle should have a shelf life of between 3 to 5 years, if it is stored in a temperature stable environment, and away from any direct sunlight.
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  • Asked by Unknown
    Why is a surfactant needed with SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle?
    The label states that a surfactant is required but what happens when I don't use one?

    A non ionic surfactant is needed with Sedgehammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz Bottle because it helps the product stick to the waxy weeds better. The manufacturer has stated "What we know from our research is that the surfactant can make a significant impact on the performance of SedgeHammer herbicide. Response rates can vary by as much as an additional 30 days and control can be compromised by 35% without the correct surfactant and mix rate."

    The Sedgehammer Plus Herbicide 13.5g packets are for smaller applications and already contain the surfactant. These are mixed at 1 packet per gallon of water per 1000 sq ft. 

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  • Asked by Rob from Missouri
    What is the shelf life of the SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle?

    SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. bottle has a shelf life of between 3-5 years, if stored in a temperature stable environment, away from any direct sunlight.

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  • Asked by Tom
    Can I use SedgeHammer Herbicide on newly sodded Zorro zoysiagrass lawn that was planted 30 days ago?
    Sod has been down for 30 days and appears to be rooted and growing. It has not been mowed or fertilized. Please advise if safe to use this product on the new sod and in 85-90 deg heat.

    SedgeHammer Herbicide can be applied to well established zoysiagrass after the turf has developed a good root system and uniform throughout. This is typically after 30 days or the 2nd or 3rd mowing. Apply when ait temperatures are between 65-85 degrees to prevent injury to desirable turfgrass.

    During the summer months, it is recommended to spray in early morning or late afternoon/early evening during the coolest time of the day. 

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  • Asked by Greg from Jefferson, Ga
    What is the shelf life of Sedgehammer 1.33 oz bottle?
    Since 1 bottle can make 40 gallons of solution and it's not advisable to treat more than 4 times per year, this 1 bottle would last 10 years. Will the product life span last 3,5,7,10 years?

    SedgeHammer Herbicide has a shelf life of about 3 years if kept out of extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Nothing below freezing or above 90. Typically it is best kept in a cool dry place inside.

    The Sedgehammer 1.33 oz bottle makes 40 gallons of mixed solution and will cover 40k sq ft. If you are treating smaller areas, the SedgeHammer Plus Herbicide comes in individual 13.5 gram packets and already contains the surfactant. Mix 1 x 13.5 gram packet per gallon of water per 1000 sq ft. 

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Displaying 21 to 40 (of 50 questions)