Customer Reviews for Talstar P Professional Insecticide

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Average Customer Rating

4.7 of 5 stars
(3390 customer reviews)
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Displaying 61 to 83 (of 83 reviews)
  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Very bad. It's fake

    By Toral on 08/13/2022

    It has no effects at all. Not even for a day. I bought a gallon after reading reviewed. Have been using it per the direction but no effects at all. I see ants at the same location. They don't even die on contact. Completely fake product.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Did not work for Spider Mites

    By G. on 09/05/2022

    Followed directions and this had no affect on Spider Mites on my Dahlias. I tried to combine alternating between this and a couple other products and it did not even touch them. Don't waste your money on this and go ahead and buy Avid.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars


    By Chele on 09/17/2022

    Nothing.. Did absolutely nothing.. Save your money

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    did not work

    By Vincent on 10/14/2022

    I bought this to combat mosquitos in my backyard but it doesn't seem to have any effect at all

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Clover Mites

    By Eddy on 03/25/2023

    Was told this well take care of Clover Mites, not for me.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    We apologize you did not achieve the intended results. We would welcome the opportunity to troubleshoot the application to help get you the results you need. Please contact us at your earliest convenience!

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Not Effective

    By Mike on 07/14/2023

    Unfortunately, for me this product is ineffective. In my own I am seeing pests inside for the first time after living in my home for 8 years. Even after seeing them in specific areas, going back and spraying those areas again.....they persist. In my garage I see other types of pests to include ants. After spraying a few times there is zero effect. The product is mixed according to instructions. I might as well be spraying water. I have yet to see one dead bug since using this product.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    Talstar P is considered a repellent because insects can detect it. This does not mean they are truly repelled from the area they can just choose to avoid it as they know something is there. They must contact the treated area to be effected by the product though and this can take time for insects to die and you will still see them around. The only way to keep insects completely out is to seal up all cracks and crevices that allow access inside.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars


    By Pat on 09/11/2023

    I applied this solution per directions on the bottle to a large fire ant colony in one of my flower beds. I expected to go out the next morning and find thousands of dead ants. Nope. They were alive and doing quite well. I was so disappointed and very upset, since there's all kinds of work I need to do in this particular flower bed. So, I dumped about two pounds of Over & Out on the ants. Then I took a garden rake, leveled it out to around three feet all around the ant bed, lightly watered it, and next morning went out to find what I had expected with the Talstar P - thousands of dead ants. I had used Over & Out previously, per package directions, but it didn't work. By using many, many times the package directions, it worked. My money was wasted on the Talstar. I'm going to research it and see if there are ANY bugs it can kill and does.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    Talstar P is not a fast kill on fire ant mounds and takes time to work it's way through the colony and may take up to 24 hours or more to get complete kill depending on the size of the colony.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Did not do the job

    By Ali on 12/22/2023

    Did nothing. Waste of money. It kills on contact only.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Not as good as it claims !

    By Cyle on 07/12/2024

    Very unhappy with this product. In the past I used Bayer sc ultra it was amazing fast knock down and long lasting 3 months plus it kept the bugs spiders wasps and all away . This talstar sucks doesn't kill many typical bugs and spiders I have sprayed and sprayed and honestly this stuff was a waste of money very I happy. Wish I would ha e just stayed with sc ultra . You get what u pay for ..

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Package Unopened

    By C on 07/14/2024

    I didn't open the package because I bought the wrong product. I was supposed to get Viper or Demon. I gave the package to the Pest Control that usually sprays my apartment.

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    0 of 3 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Unsatisfactory product.

    By Lucas on 07/26/2022

    I purchased this product instead of the Cy-kick I had purchased before. I don't feel this product does anything close to getting rid of pests. I've had more bugs on the porch since mixing and spraying the house and porch area.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Weak batch

    By Scott on 06/24/2022

    Not effective for controlling mosquitoes and flys. Applied per specs and did not have an impact.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    We apologize you did not achieve the intended results. We would welcome the opportunity to troubleshoot the application to help get you the results you need. Please contact us at your earliest convenience!

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Did not work on crane fly larvae

    By James on 09/27/2021

    Did not work at all that I could tell on European crane fly larvae in our lawn. Used exactly as instructions said. They are still all there 2 weeks later wnen I sampled. Even mixed it with Imidicloprid as suggested. Expensive and ineffective.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Insects spray

    By Dinah on 09/24/2021

    Bought this product thinking that it will solve m6 ants problem. I been spraying for about a month now everyday and I'm still get lots of black sugar ants. Thought that this product would help me but it's not looking like it is. So now back to raid or black flag spray I will nor refer this product to anyone. It doesn't work. ???????? Thank you but not a happy camper

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    0 of 2 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Product extremely bad

    By Julian on 12/25/2020

    Not a good product, used 3 times and nothing. Produc lt extremely bad

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  • 1 of 5 Stars


    By William on 10/23/2020

    I had high expectations for this product to knock down our mosquito population, but have been seriously underwhelmed. I followed the instructions closely, applied it using all the correct equipment but did not experience a meaningful drop in the mosquito population.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Doesn't work

    By Janet on 10/02/2020

    This did NOTHING. We used it as directed with NO results. We've had better luck with raid than this. Complete waste of money. Im not sure how other people have given it such a good review.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Attracted rest of colony

    By Richard on 09/16/2020

    Sprayed as directed, mixed as directed, now have worse infestation than ever. Bad batch or just defective product, will order something different from other source.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    The product didn't work

    By Angel on 09/13/2020

    Not satisfied with the product talstar didn't give me good results

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Doesn't work

    By Maryshannon on 09/04/2020

    I mixed this with Exciter according to manufacturer's instructions. Applied Thoroughly with a sprayer . No effect what so ever. Have also tried the Bifen. Same results. Extremely disappointing

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Immediate Results, ants were back in just a few days

    By Jeff on 08/28/2020

    I bought this product after Spectracide from the local big box store proved ineffective. I used an ounce per gallon, and treated the perimeter of my building, and immediately, the ants were no where to be found. After a few days they were back, so I re-treated the perimeter, widening the range of application. The same thing happened..... Not sure what else to do from here....

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Talstar P

    By Alex on 06/19/2020

    So this product was referred to me by a family member. I ordered a bottle and mixed it with 2 gallon sprayer and 2 oz just as instructed. I have an in ground pool and have problems with flies and mosquitoes. I sprayed my yard and around the pool and the first day it worked like a charm. But for some reason 2 days later, I have more flies then ever. I don't feel like this product works. I have been looking for videos to see if I mixed it wrong or I need to change the dose but I'm not able to find nothing. Don't waste your money. I'm gonna go back to using cutter fogger which is way cheaper.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Doesn't work at all!!

    By Avery on 05/29/2020

    I purchased this product over three weeks ago. I applied the product as directed. According to. the directions on the back of the product and as viewed online by Five Star Pest Control specialist & ive not seen one dead roach!!!! This product sucks!!

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Displaying 61 to 83 (of 83 reviews)