Talstar P cannot be used directly on vegetables or fruits that are going to be consumed. We do carry several products that can be used on cucumbers and other edible vegetation such as Sevin and Hi-Yield Indoor/Outdoor 10%. Always read the product label of the product you select to make sure it is labeled for the plant you want to spray and for the pest you are trying to eliminate. The product labels are available for each product on our site and you can see the links for them on each individual product page.
Talstar did come in an aerosol can, Talstar Aerosol, but has been discontinued by the manufacturer.
Talstar P is our most popular general use insecticide and the most widely used by professional pest control companies. It can be used indoors as well as outside, and it is odorless and very safe to use when children and pets are present. The key to scorpion control is a very thorough outside treatment around the foundation of your home. For scorpions, you should treat around the exterior of your home every 30 days in the spring and summer when scorpions are most active.
Talstar P is not labeled for general mites, though mange mites typically are on livestock or pets. For mange mites, we recommend Tengard SFR which could be used to treat the ground outside, as well as inside the home over a certain area. Tengard SFR can also be used on a dogs and other livestock (do not use on felines) to kill mites without harming the animal.
A parasitic wasp is a beneficial wasp that uses other insects including aphids, beetles, caterpillars, flies, sawflies, scale insects and true bugs as hosts into or onto which it lays its eggs. The development of the wasp eggs will usually kill the host insect. Parasitic wasps are considered beneficial insects for the natural control of many pest insects that they provide. A number of parasitic wasp species are commercially available from insectaries.
Talstar P is a great choice for treating the interior and exterior of most buildings and will eliminate over 75 different insect pests. Talstar P is diluted with water as specified by the product label and applied using a hand pump sprayer. Spray directly on baseboards, window frames, door frames, and places where utilities (pipes, wires, cables) enter in to the building and any other crack, crevice or gap where insects can enter.
Yes. Fish and aquatic invertebrates share many of the same biological characteristics as insects making them susceptible to insecticides. Talstar P's product label has these precautions:
"This pesticide is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Drift and run-off from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in neighboring areas. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters. Care should be used when spraying to avoid fish and reptile pets in/around ornamental ponds"
Phantom is a non-repellent insecticide that also has a transfer effect and is especially useful for insects that are social or extra sensitive like ants, roaches or bedbugs. Talstar P on the other hand will have a faster knockdown rate and is a bit more versatile as it can be used in more areas and for a wider variety of insects. When trying to decide which insecticide to use you need to know: 1. What are you trying to eliminate? 2. What areas need to be treated? After you answer those questions, read the product labels to make sure the pest and the treatment area are both listed. If you still need help deciding you can call us at 866-581-7378.
Talstar P and Demon WP are both synthetic pyrethroid products and work in a very similar way. The key difference here would be that the Demon Wp is a wettable powder and as such, it is able to stay on the surface of porous areas allowing insects to come in contact with it a bit better. That being said Demon WP also leaves a white powdery residue that is visible on dark surfaces. Talstar P is a concentrated liquid that is odorless, dries clear and is labeled for a huge variety of insects (including roaches) and areas making it a bit more versatile.
You can help prevent these flies from entering your home by spraying a barrier application of Talstar P paying special attention to window frames, window screens, door frames, and cracks and crevices that may be used as points of entry. A screen with a very fine mesh (smaller than 16mesh) will help prevent entry. Additionally it may be helpful to keep ceiling fans and window fans on at high speeds to keep insects out of small areas.
If flies have already entered your home and you need immediate control use Microcare. This product offers a fast knockdown and kill of flying insects, giving you immediate relief.
Talstar P will not discolor or damage vinyl siding. You can try it on a small area first to make sure if you want to, but we have never had a customer tell us they had an issue with it.