not for uneducated use
By Brandon on 09/13/2013
The poor reviews on this product are based on lack of knowledge and understanding of the chemical and molecular properties of tandem. Tandem is demand CS with an added insecticide. THERE IS NO "CURE-ALL" SPRAY! Spray means nothing. Application and procedure is what matters most. The "smell" is very, very minimal. Like a weak paint thinner. The smell is the detergent in the chemical known as an emulsifier. That allows the oils of the product to bind with water. Before applying ANY chemical to ANYTHING regarding bed bugs, you MUST at LEAST consult information provided by universities such as Perdue, Kentucky, and the like . You MUST also be patient, for the insect has 5 cycles in life. Tandem is an excellent product. Top grade. Pest control has become indescribably better thanks to syngenta, Zoecon, and Bayer. I'd throw BASF in there, but they didn't produce termidor. They bought it from bayer
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52 of 57 people found this review helpful
By Tom on 06/09/2013
Jeremy Anderson
By Jeremy on 09/03/2013
its pretty good
By Roland on 08/09/2017
So far it's been good. Little pricey but I called around for a pest control service and they wanted 80.00 per application. I haven't put a dint in my stuff and have applied 2 applications so far. Dead spiders everywhere since I've applied this stuff and haven't seen one bug of any type inside. I would say it's worth the extra money because all the major pest control companies use this.
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8 of 9 people found this review helpful
Couldn't be happier
By Roland on 04/11/2018
Seems to be very effective
By Odie on 06/03/2022
After the first day of spraying the raftersof both our large barns, we had considerably less wood bees. We saw a few bees and wasps on the ground, but we only have one or two flying around. We had significant wood bee activity and damage over the last couple of years. We will see how long it seems to last.
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7 of 7 people found this review helpful
Great product. Worth the money.
By Carol on 05/26/2024
Been seriously battling carpenter bees for a few years. Have used bee traps but they don't solve the problem even though they do trap many bees. After only one use, we have not had one bee around our deck since using this insecticide. Will continue to treat the large area as suggested hoping to keep positive results.