Customer Reviews for Taurus SC Termiticide

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4.9 of 5 stars
(1067 customer reviews)
Taurus SC Termiticide

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Displaying 961 to 963 (of 963 reviews)
  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Easy to use and very effective

    By Sil on 11/22/2024

    Followed the directions. Used a one gallon sprayer and sprayed around the eaves, fascia boards, around the windows and doors and perimeter of the house. Bought it really for dry wood termite swarming but it worked great on spiders and other little critters. I have not seen any inside or outside my house after using Taurus SC termiticide. With the use of this and Borecare for the bare wood in my garage, attic and crawlspace, I can sleep well at night.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Carpenter and Other Ants

    By Christopher on 12/06/2024

    This was the only pesticide that eliminated the Carpenter Ants and other ant species at my home...Finally something that works.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Lisa on 12/06/2024

    This product kill's every insect it is the best product for fleas on your animals or in your house and I do mean the best and it lasts up to 5 years

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Displaying 961 to 963 (of 963 reviews)