Temprid FX Insecticide is the exact same product as the best selling Temprid SC however, there are many new changes. Same suspension concentrate as the SC, the "FX" simply stands for flexibility. Foliar application is now included on the label. With this foliar application, it is highly effective in controlling honeydew feeding ants, and is a great tool against stink bugs in the late summer and fall. Mosquitoes are now on this label as well. They have also added protection for polinators on the FX label. So either product would be an excellent choice for bed bugs and roaches.
Temprid FX Insecticide should be used or discarded within 24 hours of being mixed with water.
Temprid FX Insecticide should only be applied to indoor cracks and crevices when children, pets and others are not present. Once the product has completely dried, they can re-enter.
No, Temprid FX Insecticide is not a repellent. With its two active ingredients the insecticide has two modes of action, a quicker knock down and a longer residual. When mixed and applied per labeled instructions this insecticide is undetectable to insects thus allowing them the walk through it and come in contact with the chemicals that kill them.
Temprid FX Insecticide can be used in any type of pump sprayer following the instructions on the product label for your target pest.
Temprid FX Insecticide can be mixed at the higher rate of 16 ml per gallon water for treatment inside and outside when you are treating for heavy infestations of other pests, but for bed bugs the label does indicate you do not use higher than 8 ml per gallon. The manufacturer has tested and approved it for this rate only and it would work very well at the rate. You can also just use the 8 ml per gallon for general pests inside and out depending on the target pest.
Temprid FX Insecticide does have a long-lasting residual. However, for more severe infestations of certain pests, or when there is high pest activity, it is recommended to treat every 7-10 days as needed. Please refer to the product label for specific application instructions for the pest(s) you are targeting.
It is not necessary to wear a mask? when spraying Temprid FX Insecticide? if you are spraying in a well ventilated area. If not, we would recommend using a mask.
If treating for bedbugs, you will apply 8 ml of Temprid FX Insecticide per gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft. It can be applied in 7-10 days.
Temprid FX is the exact same product as the best selling Temprid SC however, there are many new changes. Same suspension concentrate as SC, the "FX" simply stands for flexibility. Foliar application is now included on the label. With this foliar application, it is highly effective in controlling honeydew feeding ants, and is a great tool against stink bugs in the late summer and fall. Mosquitoes are now on this label!
Temprid FX is the exact same product as the best selling Temprid SC however, there are many new changes. Same suspension concentrate as SC, the "FX" simply stands for flexibility. Foliar application is now included on the label. With this foliar application, it is highly effective in controlling honeydew feeding ants, and is a great tool against stink bugs in the late summer and fall. Mosquitoes are now on this label.
Temprid FX Insecticide should not be applied during rain. It could be washed away before having time to dry. It is recommended to treat when you are not expecting rainfall within 24 hrs.
Yes, Temprid FX Insecticide can be mixed with an IGR like Nyguard and a synergist like ExciteR.
For bed bugs, you will use 8 mL of Temprid FX per gallon of water. To treat roaches, you will use 8-16 mL per gallon of water. Use the higher specified rate for severe infestations, faster knockdown, and longer residual. For bed bugs, do not exceed an application rate of 8 mL of Temprid FX per gallon of water. Please see the product label for complete application instructions.
The residual for both Temprid FX and Gentrol will last for weeks. For bed bug control, you can reapply Temprid FX at a rate of 8 mL per gal of water at 7-10 day intervals. Please see our Bed Bug Inspection Guide and Bed Bug Treatment Guide for more tips on identifying harborage areas and eliminating this pest.
You can apply Temprid FX Insecticide to tufts, seams, folds, and edges until moist. Allow the application to dry before remaking the bed as directed on the product label.
Temprid FX Insecticide and Cimexa Dust can be used in combination with each other in different areas. Temprid would be applied around the perimeter of the room(s) along baseboards, floorboards, headboards and walls. Cimexa is applied to wall voids, inside box springs, and in cracks and crevices where liquids can’t go (behind picture frames, under furniture, cracks of dresser drawers, joint cracks and hollow tubing of bed frames, etc).
Apply Temprid FX Insecticide to tufts, seams, folds, and edges until moist. Allow to dry before remaking bed. Apply to bedsprings, box springs, and the interior of bed frames or headboards, including all cracks and joints. When bed bugs are found in upholstered furniture, apply only to the infested tufts, seams, folds, and edges, but do not apply to flat surfaces where prolonged human contact will occur.
Temprid FX Insecticide should be used or discarded within 24 hours of being mixed with water.
There is no expiration date on professional insecticides such as Temprid FX Insecticide. We do recommend using within 3-5 years of purchase for best results and storing out of extreme temperatures or direct sunlight.