By Jason on 09/06/2017
My company has been using Temprid SC for almost 3 Years now we do about 20-30 Bed bug Extermination's a day in Michigan Temprid SC Has been very good to us with great results and it will be a great choice! But with all that being said Temprid FX Is the future for our company! They say it's the same formula but there is a difference I don't know what it is but there is a difference! Bed Bug knock down times are extermly faster almost immediate we almost couldn't believe it so we stayed and watched after being sprayed the bed bugs did not move at all they were dead soon as we seen the results we knew that this chemical would be the future. We used this in over 10 homes so far today in the Detroit area same results every time! Got to get back to work guys!
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275 of 329 people found this review helpful
Miracle Solution!
By Nicole on 11/24/2017
I received this product and a few others 4 weeks after first discovering bedbugs, after trying several other cheap methods. I did 1-2 rooms per day. I removed all items that could be washed and dried twice, I put un-washable knick-knacks, lamps, pictures, books, etc into totes and placed in center of room. I sprayed perimeters of floors, ceilings, window casings, under and behind furniture and the items in my totes. I also used bedlam in furniture seams, and topped the room off with cimexa dust. I did not put fabrics/unnecessary tote items back into the room. I repeated the vacuum, spray, dust process after one week and slowly returned some items. Have not seen a single live bug or bite since first treatments! One month bug free!
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182 of 196 people found this review helpful
Very good product.
By Hopeton on 07/18/2018
This is one of the better product i have bought from this site.Within half an hour of using this product i saw result.Bugs were dying all over the house even some of them i didnt even know i had because i had bought this for a roach infestation..The knockdown power is super effective.
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109 of 118 people found this review helpful
Better than expected! Glad we found you guys!
By Sara on 01/26/2018
Temptid FX
By Kim on 11/10/2017
Temprid FX and the war on roaches in Houston
By Nancy on 08/09/2020
I'm going to start this review off with my extreme phobia of roaches. Allllll roaches, big or small. Don't get me wrong, a big one freaks me out much more deeply than a small one but I'm traumatized no matter what kind of roach it is. I cannot even handle seeing a picture of one, realistic or not. Seeing a photo of one is nearly as disturbing as a real one. Rubber roach? Yeah, I have sick and twisted coworkers who like to play jokes on me..... they've seen and head me freak out on those too. I live in Houston, TX and everyone says it is what it is. Might as well be the state bird. You know they fly, right? The big ones. Whether it's inside or outside, they all have to die. If it's outside and 3 doors down, it must die. Why? Because I know that nasty crawling thing is heading to my house and will try to get inside. Die die die. They all have to die. Oh, but wait, I'm phobic and can't kill it myself. Nope. I can't smash it and I don't want to spray it. You spray them and they just run faster and get bug spray all over the things they touch. Sooooo nasty. What if it's already dead? Nope. No way, no how. Not gonna do it. By the way, you know they're not always dead when they are on their backs, right? Learned that the hard way. Never, ever again. Now, onto my more recent traumas - this house. We moved into our current home 10 years ago. Unpacking the kitchen items, I opened drawers and cabinets to see what looked like miniature black rice. I immediately knew that was cockroach doo-doo. No question in my mind, I knew what it was and knew it well. I stopped unpacking and freaked out, called every pest control service out there to see who could make it here first. So, we had one of the big companies you see on TV race on out to the house, treat the house inside and out and I signed right on up for a regular service. They came monthly but the problem seemed to persist. We would continually find a ginormous Texas-sized cockroach somewhere. Sometimes inside, sometimes outside. My sister-in-law suggested a mom and pop exterminator. He came out and really listened to my plight. I'm phobic. Like, highly. Dude, I'm serious. They have to go. All of them. ALL OF THEM. So, this guy does some of the same things as the prior exterminator then tells me about some extra work he can do to seal up the home. Caulking, shoving copper wool into weep holes, etc. I thought to myself, I'm a sucker. Do it. I'll pay for it. After he left, I got on the Internet and searched copper wool for weep holes and sure enough, it's a thing. One website took me to another website and boom, finally landed on DoMyOwn's site. The promise land. I researched and thought it all sounds good but can't do it myself. Plus I found this new exterminator and he seems to know his stuff. Plus, he's going to be our lawn man too.... until he broke windows recklessly weed eating on our patio. So, we had to fire him... which finally brings me to my point. DMO! After all the research I did - reading reviews on DMO site and all the product Q&A's plus the various “how to's” DMO publishes here -I felt I was ready. I decided to invest in becoming my own exterminator. If I am that phobic and these dudes MUST DIE, why not? I've been doing my own extermination service for years now. My go to products have been Temprid SC, now Temprid FX, along with an IGR. I sprayed regularly with GREAT results. That is, until life spun out of control and I stopped regularly treating for pests. I did nothing for at least 2 years. Probably 2.5 years. Now, present day—-We have had unwelcome visitors in our home, almost daily, for the last the last couple of months. I finally resigned myself to getting back in the saddle — I needed to get back at this exterminating thing. Yesterday was the first time I had used Temprid FX and all I can say is wow! I did a good spray of my lawn late afternoon and walked around the front yard sidewalks today eager to see if there were visible casualties.... holy cow.... no one will believe this, but counted 55 roaches, dead or dying, all along the edges of the lawn with a handful on the sidewalk. This accounts for the front of my home only. How many more might I find in the back?! I'm not about to walk through my backyard to count. It's all grass and I'm so grossed out after seeing how many roaches were in my lawn that I do not ever want to walk through my grass again. Like, never ever. G-R-O-S-S. Suffice it to say, I'm totally impressed with Temprid FX. SC was great and a staple in my arsenal. FX is even better! I mix Temprid with an IGR and a synergist. I'm female and completely phobic. If I can do this, so can you!
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53 of 57 people found this review helpful
By Lee on 02/23/2018
New strain
By Ronnie on 07/04/2019
I have used this site to get pest control for years. Demon wp, and gentrol destroyed roaches in 5 rent houses. 5 star all the way. I ran into a rent house with bed bugs. I took everything out of the house and burnt it. I purchased 3 shipments of this garbage. They are getting worse. I cant rent it. I just ordered bedlam plus and crossfire. I hope it works. Maybe they are resistant, maybe not. I do not recommend temprid to anyone wanting to kill bed bugs.
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41 of 64 people found this review helpful
This stuff works!!
By Carrie on 08/03/2018
I used the Temprid FX because a friend who is an exterminator recommended it. He said this is what he uses. There is no odor at all, its easy to mix, just follow directions. After about 3 weeks of consistent spraying, no more bugs. The only bugs I am finding are dead ones, nobody in the house is getting bit either. I will continue to spray weekly for another 6-8 weeks because this is what was recommended by the exterminator.
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36 of 40 people found this review helpful
an ordinary citizen who rented the wriong apartment
By Max on 08/03/2018
It probably works well, if you are initially killing mostly adult bed bugs and/or fleas. But it made things a little worse for me. I have been. Using Spectra 2 SC, and with decent results. After I read about Temprid and its high reviews, I thought I would give it a try. The first week was disappointing, but I thought: maybe I need to be more patient, and. Spray one more time. Even worse. Went back to Spectra 2 SC, and getting back the apt. back to normal. I do notbget paid anything from Spectra 2 SC, but it is. the best one I have come across. .
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36 of 49 people found this review helpful
Bed Bug Spray
By Sandy on 09/28/2018
Stop the Insanity and Sleepless Nights !!
By Robin on 07/06/2020
I am a environmental chemist and feel that pesticides, herbicides have been misused and over used. With that being said; I believe moderate and responsible use is needed sometimes. I moved into a new townhouse and was unaware of the little critters the previous tenants had left behind. It is crazy waking up in the middle of the night and you don't know why !! Anyway, losing sleep starts to wear you down. Even when you figure out that you have bedbugs, it does no good !! Because they hide in your clothes, towels, shoes, carpet !!! You can stop the Insanity now !! This company is the real deal and I would bet they have a certified entomologist. They know what you need for each situation. Bedbugs have been on earth as long or longer than cockroaches, and are hard to kill. I used Temprid FX and diluted according to the directions. I also used Bedlam Plus aerosol to spray directly on carpets and rugs. It knocked their socks off !! Give it a few days and it starts killing them. You can use 91-99% Isopropyl alcohol to kill on contact for clothing or anything that you don't want to leave insecticide residue on. Just like cockroaches, you must go through and check and clean everything (or throw it away ) you have in the house to eradicate them. Its a long process, but some will try to wait it out; have your 91-99% Isopropyl Alcohol to finish off the ones hurting, but not dead. The ones hiding in your clothes, high temperature in the clothes dryer for 30-40 minutes, but then seal your clothes in plastic, ( I bought the vacuum seal bags). I plan on checking my books and items then sealing in vacuum bags. Diatomaceous earth powder will not help if you live in the South ( the humidity is too high, it becomes saturated, don't waste your money). I used Temprid FX and Bedlam Plus every 3 days at first, Now I plan on following up in 2 weeks. Take back your Sanity !!
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33 of 36 people found this review helpful
Bug Free !!!!
By William on 07/06/2018
Good stuff no bugs for a month now after spraying. Received the spray in a timely manner as promised. No after spraying smell. Have used the inside and outside. Kills on contact as promised and also sweep one up every now and then a month after spraying !!!! Will spray again in 90 days !!!
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32 of 35 people found this review helpful
Works great on biting insects
By Greg on 07/17/2018
This last month I sprayed outside at our cabin up north in the deep woods to help with the black flies and mosquitoes. The insecticide worked very quickly, eliminating the insects within hours. We were able to sit outside without being covered with DEET and without being bitten. After 10 days and a hard rain the mosquitoes started to resurface to a slight degree but the black flies were nonexistent. I am very happy with the performance of this product.
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31 of 39 people found this review helpful
Thank you!
By Jes on 07/13/2019
Going on six weeks with no critters! Initial phase... FREAK OUT! Throw away bed, bedding and various upholstered pieces of furniture. Immediate trip to Wal-Mart for spray... ABSOLUTELY worthless... Next step... RESEARCH. Started deep vacuuming, spraying Temprid FX at 16ml per gallon with special attention to cracks and crevices. IMPROVEMENT. REMEMBER.... You MUST keep spraying weekly as you are fighting not only the critters you see but the young that will inevitably pop up in the next weeks. You have to break the breeding cycle!! NOW... No signs of anything for six weeks. Will update at 12 weeks. This product has saved my sanity!
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28 of 31 people found this review helpful
Not a great product
By Jason on 04/26/2019
By Marques on 08/10/2018
Powerful Insecticide.
By Andrea on 11/23/2019
I got a really large infestation of german roaches on my duplex. I was killing more than 100 roaches per day, and I was desperate. DMO customer service recommended me to use temprid, and it worked fantastic. After the first application, I began to collect hundreds of dead roaches. it worked really fast, and I loved the fact that it is odorless. It took me one week to eradicate most of the roaches.
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23 of 23 people found this review helpful
Kills roaches
By Jeremiah on 10/09/2018
Just got done spraying my first round for roaches and bed bugs about an hour ago (also have gentrol mixed in with it). So far I found 2 dead roaches by the base board in my kitchen. I drilled holes in the wall and sprayed in the walls every couple feet so I'm not sure if the dead roaches come from the wall or they were hiding in the base. The real test will be to see how it does on the bed bugs. I have een battling them for a year or so and dont have them real bad but i still see one every now and then. I feel I'm winning the battle, hopefully temprid and the cimexa is the final blow. I noticed all the flys in my house are dead too now so thats a bonus.
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22 of 24 people found this review helpful
By Scott on 09/28/2018
works great and fast
By Angela on 09/29/2018
I bought this to use for bed bugs and it works fast. just under 2 weeks and the bugs were gone.. It also killed spiders we didn't know we had. I would and have recommended this to others. this was used with a powder put under the bed and under sofa cushions. Every product I have purchased through do my own. have lived up to its name. Thanks do my own.
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21 of 24 people found this review helpful
Bought 10* 8ml kill bed bug
By Jamie on 06/16/2018
Awesome product
By D on 04/26/2019
Ordered this product for treatment of cockroaches in rental property. Sprayed the inside of the house, spot treating the areas of infestation. After 3 weeks, I do not see a sign of cockroaches. This product is definitely worth trying and will recommend to anyone. Thanks DO MY OWN!
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19 of 19 people found this review helpful
Temprid fx vs. Sc
By Karen on 12/23/2018
Temprid fx sucks, I've used it three times...total waste of money. SC I could tell the difference. It is absolutely not the same and sure as heck not an upgrade. DO NOT BUY TEMPRID FX. And no it's not the only Insecticide I use. I wish ya'll take this product rating away from under the SC product, that is misleading
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18 of 27 people found this review helpful
Not work for my bedbug problem
By Judy on 07/24/2019
By Mike on 11/23/2018
Not so effective
By Liz on 08/24/2018
I am not even sure that this stuff works. I mixed it according to directions and sprayed it on a swarm of flying insects around my porch light. Five minutes later 80% of them were still flying. General bug spray from the supermarket appears to work better. My only hope is that this may be slow-acting and long-lasting. So far I'm not impressed.
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15 of 31 people found this review helpful
By Derek on 12/17/2018
After watching an alleged "professional pest control" company waste my time and money NOT killing the fire ants and spiders taking over our new home, I did a little research and came to DoMyOwn. Ordered some Temprid FX and a sprayer. Mixed the stuff according to directions and applied it inside and outside my house. The Temprid FX didn't just control my bug problem; it completely ERADICATED them! I had heard that fire ants were hard to kill, but this stuff knocked out mounds in a matter of seconds. Very pleased!
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14 of 15 people found this review helpful
Doesn't seem to work at all for me on bedbugs
By Tim on 06/19/2019
works for roaches
By Florida on 01/10/2020
I bought a new house and it had a roach problem. I sprayed my house with one 8ml tiny bottle of this Temprid that I got in the roach kit. I also used the Maxforce FC Magnum roach bait at the same time. I went from seeing 3-4 roaches a day and finding a few dead ones every week, to not seeing a single roach, dead or alive, in months. This Temprid FX, combined with the Maxforce FC bait, completely knocked out a roach problem for me. Highly recommend this product.
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13 of 13 people found this review helpful