Killed my Centipede Grass
By Bob on 07/16/2017
1 oz per gal of water and the grass died deader than a kipper on a cracker. Used it for spot spraying weed thank heavens and not total coverage. You get measurements of .37 oz to 2 oz as recommended amounts per 1000 sq ft (which unless info if you are a farmer). i understand that 1 gal is 1000 sf. The Trimec I used before (not the one for souther lawns) worked great. Not sure what is going on with the southern lawn formula.
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Trimec Southern, not so good on henbit
By Christy on 09/23/2015
Purchased to control henbit and other broadleaf. I would give it a 5-star most broadleaf but no stars for henbit. I sprayed twice here in the Fall for henbit and they are unaffected. I have followed the label directions but the henbit is growing well. Since they are in the lawn, I do not want to use more as it will kill the grass which is still green. I read there is a Trimec Plus for henbit but not sure if it will work and this herbicide is already expensive. I read that burning kills henbit ;(
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