Customer Reviews for ExciteR Insecticide

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4.2 of 5 stars
(62 customer reviews)
ExciteR Insecticide

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  • 2 of 5 Stars

    Bug Spray

    By Robert on 07/11/2016

    Still getting eat by knats! Sprayed Saturday evening and my wife got eat up this morning in same area sprayed. Loosing confidence.iv tried FOUR different products from you guys. No tics,deer fly's, mosquitoes but the knats are not being killed!

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  • 2 of 5 Stars

    ExciteR FAIL

    By Tim on 09/19/2020

    Used this product assuming it killed on contact. The bald faced hornets were hardly phased on the first soaking of the nest. After using 1.5 gallons of strong mixed product the nest seemed to be inactive. Waited a few days to remove the nest from my eave and there were still live bees inside. They attacked. This did not live up to the hype. Disappointed to spend almost $100 for this product.

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  • 2 of 5 Stars


    By Karl on 10/08/2021

    I used the product, it killed a lot of bugs but not the ones I bought it for, millipedes. They just keep on coming out.

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  • 2 of 5 Stars


    By Hutz on 08/13/2022

    Cant say I'd purchase again. Sprayed liberally around foundation and up walls. After 3 days no change in millipede population. Mixed with talstar for extended protection. Yeah big fat No on that. When I actually sprayed directly on millipedes I think they thought they were just getting a bath. Never killed them.

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