Potting Soil for Ornamental Plants

Potting soils are a mix of materials meant to create a good foundation for plant growth. Often, you will find a combination of materials that will allow for drainage of water and aeration, and some materials for holding water to prevent potting soil from drying out and in some cases, to slowly release water to roots.

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Potting Soil and Potting Mix

There are many different types and mixes of potting soils available, with different benefits, all offering what plants need to thrive. The mix should be dense enough to support the plant, but not too dense that excess water can’t drain. The mix may be “soilless,” which means there is no clay, sand, silt in the mixture. Often, potting soil will contain a mix of organic and inorganic materials.

Organic materials come from once-living organisms, like manure, compost, wood, etc. You might find moss, peat, bark, and humus listed on the label, which help to hold moisture. Inorganic materials include minerals, rocks, etc including perlite and vermiculite, which help to add space and drainage to the mixture.

When looking for the right potting soil, take into account the needs of your plants and try to choose a mix that will suit those needs. Read labels carefully, and remember that quality, healthy soil is the foundation to thriving plants.

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