Acephate 90% Prills - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 questions)
  • Asked by Bill from Jackson, Al
    Can Acephate 90% Prills be poured into predrilled holes in pine tree to provide systemic protection from southern pine beetle?
    In southern AL, I am loosing many of the 16"-20" southern pine trees in my yard. Have already had 6-7 die & noticed in past week 6 more large trees with needles turning brown. They are gone. Have 20-25 more very large pines I would like to protect if possible. Can I predrill holes & pour this herbicide in hole so herbicide will be absorbed and provide protection from beetles without harming trees? Noticed acephate plugs available, but would cost a lot to use those. Thought liquid might be more affordable. Would like to get started with this in next few days. Thanks

    Acephate 90% Prills is not labeled to control southern pine beetle.  Unfortunately, there is no easy solution when it comes to pine beetles. Infected trees should be cut down (before the newly hatched beetles fly out of the trees in the spring/summer) and the wood burned or chipped, while other still healthy trees should be sprayed annually to protect them. Because of the natural boring behavior of the beetle they are protected from topically applied insecticides and systemic insecticides (those injected into the tree or applied as a root drench) have proven ineffective for pine beetle infestations. Healthy trees can be protected before the beetles attack by topically spraying them with a product called Permethrin SFR. The tree should be sprayed from the ground to 15 ft up the trunk to prevent future infestations.

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  • Asked by Judy from Myrtle Beach, Sc
    Will Acephate 90% Prills work on mole crickets?

    Yes, Acephate 90% Prills is labeled for mole crickets. 

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  • Asked by Don from Calhoun La
    Will Acephate 90% Prills kill grubs worms?

    Acephate 90% Prills is not labeled to treat grubs. Please view our Grub Control Products and Treatment Guide for more information. 

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Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 questions)