Rodent Control

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Rodent Control Overview Video

Rodent Identification

For effective rodent control, it is important to determine if you have a mouse or rat infestation. This is helpful because some rat control and mouse control products, such as rodent bait stations and rodent traps come in two different sizes: larger ones for rats and smaller ones for mouse control. Other products such as rodent poison will work for both rats and mice.

Rat vs Mouse Video

Watch this video to learn more about the differences between a rat and a mouse.


  House Mouse

Very small, usually only 3 inches long and weigh 1-2 ounces.
Color: Usually gray in color. Some may appear darker.

Mice generally eat seeds, cereals, grains and sweets. However,   this food is gone during the fall and winter, rodents come inside your home to feed, where they'll eat almost anything. They nest in undisturbed debris or wall voids. The house mouse generally stays close to its nest (within 10-30 feet), travels along walls, and doesn't like open spaces.

Norway Rat

May grow 13-18 inches in length and weigh 10-16 ounces.
Color: Can vary from gray to reddish-brown to black.

Be careful not to mistake a young rat for a mouse. Norway rats typically nest in burrows. With their powerful front teeth, they can gnaw through wood, electrical cables, pipes and other objects. They have a short tail, small ears, and a much fatter and rounder body. These rats are more prevalent in rural and urban areas. They are found in homes less often because of their larger size.

Roof Rat

Size: Larger rodents that grow 10-12 inches, and can weigh 6-9 ounces.
Color: Can vary from gray to brown to black.

Roof rats will generally enter your home or business through trees or power lines. They nest in attics, wall voids or trees. Roof Rats prefer fruit but will eat almost anything. These rats may travel up to 50 feet from their nest to find food and water. Roof Rats predominantly live along the west coast and southeastern United States. Distinguished by its large and hairless ears, slender body, and a tail that is longer than the head and body combined.

Mouse              Rat


Identify Rodents by their droppings

The next best way to identify mice from rats is by examining rodent droppings (feces). Mouse droppings tend to be 1/4 inches in length, while rat droppings can be three times as large.


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