Acephate 97UP Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 89 questions)
  • Asked by Kyle from Hobgood Nc
    How log can Acephate 97UP be applied before a heavy rain and still be effective?
    As long as Acephate 97UP Insecticide has had time to dry, which can take 2 hours or more, rain will not wash it away. 
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  • Asked by Robert from Augusta, Ga
    How much Acephate 97UP insecticide do I mix per gallon of water?
    Spraying outside perimeter of home and along baseboards for pest control and the directions have been misplaced. I need to know what ratio I should use...please advise

    For outdoor and perimeter spray excluding residental turf with Acephate 97UP Insecticide the rate is 1.2 oz per gallon of water. It does only list wasps, ants, crickets, earwigs, and pillbugs on the product label for this application, so it would not be the best product for general pest control and cannot be used inside for any reason. For general pest control we would recommend something like Talstar P which is labeled for over 75 pests and can be used by inside and outside.

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  • Asked by Jim from Libertyville, Il
    Can you tell me what two grams of Acephate 97 equals in teaspoons?
    for thrips control on orchids. Thanks!
    Acephate 97UP Insecticide 2 grams equals 1/2 teaspoon.
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  • Asked by D. from Delaware
    Would using 1/4 tsp of Acephate 97UP Insecticide per gallon of water sound correct for treating evergreen trees that are infested with bagworms?

    Yes, the rate of 1/4 teaspoon of Acephate 97UP Insecticide in a gallon of water is sufficient for bagworms. Be sure to apply as the insects appear and repeat every 14 days to maintain control.

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  • Asked by Broc from Portland
    Will Acephate 97UP Insecticide kill Root Aphids?

    Acephate 97UP Insecticide is labeled to trea for aphids including root aphids.

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  • Asked by Brenda from Umtailla, Fl
    How much Acephate 97UP do I use per 2 gallon tank to treat roses for thrips?

    You would use 8 oz (1/2 lb) of Acephate 97UP Insecticide per 100 gallons, which breaks down to 0.08 oz per gal of water, which is about 2 grams or 1/2 teaspoon. If you only have a few plants, then you may want to consider Bonide Systemic Insect Control, which has the same active ingredient but it easier to measure for smaller applications on roses for thrip control.

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  • Asked by Erhard from Burlington, Ontario, Canada
    What are the mixing instructions for Acephate 97UP in a greenhouse?
    I have a greenhouse full of orchids
    You did not mention what type of insect you are trying to treat but per page 22 of product label you would use between 4 - 8 oz in 100 gallons of water.  Please refer to the label for complete instructions on the particular pest you are treating for.
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  • Asked by Linda from Lindsay Ca
    Can the Acephate 97UP be broadcast in dry form with a spreader?
    Acephate 97UP is a water-soluble insecticide that has to be mixed with water.  It is a systemic that will be readily absorbed by plant roots and foliage so you would not be able to apply in dry form with a spreader.
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  • Asked by James from Georgia
    Will Acephate kill horn worms on tomatoes
    I need this answered immediately please....
    Acephate 97UP Insecticide is not labeled for Tomato plants. We recommend using Sevin Dust for hornworms on Tomato plants.
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  • Asked by Jane from Ga
    What is the shelf life of Acephate 97UP Insecticide?

    According to the manufacturer, Acephate 97UP Insecticide has a shelf life of 3-5 years as long as it is stored in a cool dry place. 

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  • Asked by West from Dunn, North Carolina
    Is Accephate 97UP OK to spray on vegetables such as peas and beans, and if so, what is the rate per gallon of water?

    Acephate 97UP is labeled for application on beans and certain other vegetables, but the application rates will vary depending on what type of vegetation you are applying to and what pest you need to treat for.  Please consult the product label to see the recommended rates for your specific needs. 

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  • Asked by Tom from Hickory,nc
    How much spray will a 1 pound bag of Acephate 97UP Insecticide make?
    The Acephate gets used at a variety of rates depending on the insect you are treating for. You will use up to 1 lb per acre and the water you dilute it with will be depending on how much you need to cover your area. The water in this case acts as a carrier, so whether it takes you 10 gallons or 50 gallons of water to cover an acre of area adequately, both are correct so long as you are using the correct amout of acephate over that acre.
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  • Asked by Morg from South Carolina
    Is Acephate 97UP Insecticide safe to use indoors for roaches?
    Having issues with roaches in my home, and I am at my witts end trying to treat it. Would this product be safe to spray in my home, or underneath my home to help?

    Acephate 97UP Insecticide is not labeled to be used inside homes for roaches and is not safe to do so.  

    One of our roach control kits would be recommended for roach control. These professional kits includes non-staining, low odor concentrated insecticide for spraying the outside perimeter of the home and inside underneath appliances, behind cabinets, under toilets and sinks, etc. You'll also get Roach Bait Gel to help get rid of those roaches that like to hide. Baits can be applied up high in the kitchen in the corner of cabinets and in cracks and crevices in kitchens and bathrooms. The bait contains a slow-acting poison that attracts and kills feeding roaches, who also spread the bait to other roaches by contact or by sharing food. Finally, an Insect Growth Regulator is offered which will stop roaches from laying eggs, helping to halt the infestation. The combination of an IGR with roach bait is a highly effective roach control strategy that is widely used by pest control professionals. The insecticide must be applied with a 1 gallon pump sprayer.

    Here is a link to a great article that really goes into depth in explaining a roach control program.

    Here is a link to our roach control kits and sprays.

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  • Asked by Dennis from Dillon, Co
    I have white pine weevils in 20-6' Colorado blue spruce trees. Will this product control them?
    The trees are at 9200' in Colorado. How much Acephate should I buy to apply next spring? How is it applied?
    Acephate 97UP is not labeled to control white pine weevils.  The standard approach to manage white pine weevil is to spray insecticides in spring. This treatment is directed at the overwintered adults to kill them before they lay eggs. Current insecticides useful for this treatment would include products that contain bifenthrin (Talstar), cyfluthrin (Tempo) or permethrin (Tengard). Rates of use should be to the high-end of what is labeled, such as for bark beetles or borers. Timing is very important but difficult to determine. Sprays should be applied shortly before adults begin to feed on the terminal and lay eggs. You can contact your local cooperative extension office and speak to the master gardener on staff who can help you determine the correct timing. Treatment of the top of the tree during midsummer, after adults have emerged from the wilted terminals, can kill weevils as they feed in this site, reducing overall numbers that may cause problems in the subsequent year. Also, as many weevils crawl to the trees in spring, treatment of the lower trunk at the same time spring terminal applications are made may also help kill some of the migrating overwintered insects.
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  • Asked by Ken from Dallas, Tx
    Is this product SAFE for me to use on my Onions, Peppers & Tomatoes in my garden (I eat the produce)?
    Amber via chat said this is the only safe product to use BUT I didn't get a warm & fuzzy feeling reading th 27 page label.
    The information you were given by our staff was directly from the Acephate 97UP product label. Prior to purchasing and applying the product, we recommend that you contact the manufacturer, United Phosphorous, Inc. at 800.438.6071. They are an expert on their own product.
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  • Asked by Vw from Kent, Wa
    What is the amount of Acephate 97 per gallon of water for treatment of lace bugs on Rhododendrons/Azaleas?

    The rate of Acephate 97UP Insecticide to control lace bugs on ornamental shrubs is 0.25 lbs per 100 gallons of spray. This would break down to only about 0.04 oz per 1 gallon of water. Since this product is really made for larger applications, then if this treatment is just around your home we recommend using Bonide Systemic Insect Control for residential applications. This is a liquid concentrate, and you would use 1.5 oz per gal of water to treat for lacebugs.

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  • Asked by Shem from Portland, Or
    How many ounces per gallon of Acephate 97UP Insecticide to soil drench root aphids?

    To treat for root aphids using Acephate 97UP insecticide, you will use ½ pound per acre with 100 gallons of water in a drenching method.  

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  • Asked by Laura from Commack, Ny
    How many teaspoons of Acephate 97UP would be used per 1 gallon of water for leafminers in moth form on 10 emerald green arborvitae?

    The Acephate 97UP Insecticide label states you would use 4oz in 100 gallons of water, which would be .04 oz per gallon (.24 tsp).

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  • Asked by Alan from Columbus, Oh
    What is the mix ratio for Acephate 97UP Insecticide into one gallon of water to treat for scale?
    How many teaspoons of Acephate do I add to one gallon of water to spray one Confederate star jasmine plant to kill scale? Thank you

    You will use Acephate 97UP Insecticide 0.48 teaspoon per gallon of water to treat ornamentals for scale.  Repeat the application every 14 days to maintain control. 

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  • Asked by Andy from Great Falls, Mt
    I've got an ash tree that has had Ash Leaf Curl from aphids. My research has shown the best fix to be Acephate
    One article in particular said "Since the aphids are hidden inside the curled leaf, contact insecticides will not work well. If you decide to use an insecticide, a systemic insecticide that is absorbed by the plant will work the best. There are some systemic insecticides that can be applied as a soil drench in the root zone, but it takes several weeks for the chemical to course from the roots to the leaves, so results may take a while. Remember to read and follow label directions on all pesticides!" So is there an orthene acephate that could be used as a soil drench and when should I drench it? Thanks for your time.
    There is not an acephate based product that we carry that can be used as a soil drench.  The most popular products for soil drenches contain Imidacloprid such as the Dominion 2L and Adonis 2F.  We recommend contacting your local cooperative extension office to ask about insecticide timing for the pests in your region.
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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 89 questions)