Rick from Jupiter, Fl writes
I've already purchased Adonis 75 WSP - Can I just divide the mixing packet into 5 smaller portions and use them in my 5 gallon backpack sprayer? Second, how do I determine how much I should apply for a small Hibiscus shrub?
The Adonis 75 WSP is designed to be used in large capacity containers and is usually used by commercial applicators. Most home owners would use the Adonis 2F which is the same ingredient but much easier to measure out in smaller quantities. We cannot advise on how to break down the packages for smaller use as the label doesn't say this can be done. We would recommend you contact the manufacturer for possible break down options of the packets. Envincio's number is 1-88-241-8088. How much product you will use on your Hibiscus will determine which application method you are using and what insect you are treating for. You can see the options for insects and application methods on page 16 and 17 of the product label.
Answer last updated on: 05/07/2013