Agrisel Chlorosel Pro 720 Fungicide is applied at 5 ½ pints per 100 gallons for needlecast on spruce. Please reference page 19 of the product label for more details on application.
Agrisel Chlorosel Pro 720 Fungicide application for Brown Patch and Dollar Spot is approx. 2.5oz per 1000 sq feet.
Agrisel Chlorosel Pro 720 Fungicide is the only product that we offer that is labeled for needlecast on spruce trees. Talstar P would be a great option for scale.
Agrisel Chlorosel Pro 720 Fungicide is labeled for needlecast on conifers.
Agrisel Chlorosel Pro 720 Fungicide can be applied to Serbian Spruce for Needlecast. Be sure to review page 19 of the product label for the application rates.
Agrisel Chlorosel Pro 720 is not labeled for use on your gravel driveway. It is only labeled for use on the labeled agricultural crops, turf, ornamentals, and golf courses.
Agrisel Chlorosel Pro 720 Fungicide can be applied for foliar or soil applications depending on the disease being treated and the type and size of plant to which it's being applied. Your ratio is correct for finding the correct amount of product per area. This is a liquid you mix with water and typically depending on the disease you are treating for you would repeat applications every 14-21 days.
For control of Rhizosphaera needlecast on spruce trees, you would use 5.5 pints (88 oz) of Agrisel Chlorosel Pro 720 Fungicide per acre in 100 gallons of water. This breaks down to 2 oz per 1000 sq ft, or about 0.88 oz per gal of water. Keep in mind that the active ingredient chlorothalonil may cause bleaching on blue spruce trees.