Safety Products

Please be sure to read the product label of any insecticide you choose to use to get information on the personal protective safety gear you will need. In most situations, it is recommended that you wear long pants, a long sleeved shirt, closed toe shoes with socks, chemical resistant gloves, and goggles. In areas where ventilation is poor, a manufacturer may recommend you wear a mask or a respirator. We have put together two different safety kits that will make selecting the correct safety gear easier for you.

Lawn Care Tips

How to Care for Your Lawn in the Spring

By DoMyOwn staff


Tip 1

Apply Crabgrass Pre-emergents Now

Pre-emergent crabgrass products are a spring lifesaver when it comes to preventing crabgrass in your lawn, but timing is extremely important. Apply these products as soon as soil temperature reaches 55 degrees.

Products needed for Tip 1

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Was: $55.53
4.5 out of 5 stars (603)
On Sale!
Was: $177.76
4.5 out of 5 stars (56)
Tip 2

Start Mowing Frequently and Correctly

Begin mowing now, and continue to mow about once a week. Keep your lawn at about 2.5 inches long. Removing only 1/3 of the total length of the grass, while maintaining your desired length, is an extremely important aspect of mowing. Getting into the habit of mowing more frequently in the spring will help you keep to this rule throughout the spring and summer.
Tip 3

Apply Soil Test Recommendations

If you've taken a soil test in the winter, now is the time to apply the recommended fertilizer and nutrients to your lawn.
Tip 4

Water Only When Necessary

In the spring, water your grass only if necessary. Wait to water your lawn until it really needs it; when it experiences natural wilting or slight browning. However, if you're applying a fertilizer or other product that requires watering before or after application, follow those application instructions carefully to achieve your desired results.
Tip 5

Remove Excess Thatch Now

Removing excess thatch now will help light penetrate your grass and improve air circulation, as well as allowing fertilizers, herbicides, and any other products to absorb faster and more efficiently.


Tip 1

Last Chance To Apply Pre-Emergent Products

Crabgrass preventers, also called pre-emergent crabgrass killers, should be used in most areas by mid April. If you apply them after this point, you could miss the window and the weeds may already be germinated and actively growing.

Products needed for Tip 1

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Was: $55.53
4.5 out of 5 stars (603)
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Was: $177.76
4.5 out of 5 stars (56)
Tip 2

Begin Fertilizing Now

Fertilize now, and be sure to follow proper fertilization rates, ideally based on results of a soil test. Fertilizing now will help give your lawn the nutrients it needs to root deeply and robustly, so your lawn can fend off weather, pests, and diseases without experiencing much damage.
Tip 3

Start Applying Post-Emergent Weed Killers Now

If you already have weeds growing in your lawn, control them now with post-emergent weed killers. Control any weeds as soon as you see them. They're easier to control when they're small and young.
Tip 4

Remove Excess Thatch

Dethatching is an important step in your spring lawn care schedule. Too much thatch traps moisture and blocks sunlight and airflow, so if your thatch is too thick, now is the time to dethatch.
Tip 5

Start To Inspect Lawn Regularly For Lawn Diseases

The melting snow, possible increase of rainfall, and increasing temperatures can create a good environment for lawn diseases to thrive. Start watching for possible lawn diseases closely, diagnosing issues based on thorough inspection. Many diseases can resemble drought or pest damage, so make sure you diagnose correctly.


Tip 1

Control Broadleaf Weeds With Post-Emergent Herbicide Application

Some broadleaf weeds may continue to grow even if you've applied a pre-emergent herbicide. Use a post-emergent product, but apply when temperatures are below 85 degrees, and read the label carefully to ensure you can use it on your type of grass.
Tip 2

Apply Second Spring Fertilizer Application

Most lawns can benefit from two spring fertilizer applications, one in early spring and one in late spring. Apply a second application now.
Tip 3

Begin Watering Lawn

If spring rain has tapered off and your lawn appears dry, start watering your lawn, careful to only water when your lawn appears to require it, and water deeply, letting your lawn get at least an inch of water.
Tip 4

Remember To Mow Frequently

Because of the warmer temperatures and increased rainfall or irrigation, grass will be growing quickly. Although it may seem like extra work, mowing your lawn frequently is extremely important. Taking off only ? of the total height of the grass to maintain your desired grass height (2-3 inches) will keep your lawn healthy.
Tip 5

Leave Grass Clippings On Lawn

Instead of raking up your grass clippings after you mow, consider leaving them on your lawn. This not only saves you some time and effort, but also gives some nitrogen and organic matter back to your lawn.

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