Aliette WDG Fungicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 14 (of 14 questions)
  • Asked by Christi from Richmond, Va
    How do you mix Aliette WDG Fungicide in smaller quantities?
    I have a 4 gallon sprayer and I need to know who much Aliette WDG to put in for my boxwood.
    You would need to mix roughly 0.5 ounce of the Aliette with every 2 gallons of water to every 1000 sq/ft that you treat. The water will act as the carrier not the diluter.
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  • Asked by Andy from Sugar Land, Tx
    Do you recommend to use a surfactant when applying Aliette WDG Fungicide?

    Yes, adding a surfactant like Southern Ag Non Ionic surfactant, will allow for Aliette WDG Fungicide to stay on the surface you have sprayed. This helps promote better uptake of the product. 

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  • Asked by Michael from Orange
    What is the mixing ratio of Aliette WDG Fungicide per gallon of water?
    I am growing hops on a very small scale, spraying with a 4 gal back pack sprayer.

    The mixing ratio is 0.5 oz. of Aliette Fungicide per two gallons of water. Water acts as a carrier with this product and will cover 1000 square feet.

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  • Asked by Mary from Copenhagen, Ny
    How long before rain should I spray my hop leaves with Aliette WDG Fungicide?

    The Aliette WDG Fungicide product label does not list any specific waiting time before rainfall, but we would always recommend to have at least 24 hours after application before rainfall.

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  • Asked by Michelle from Niverville
    Can I use Aliette WDG Fungicide if I sprayed copper last week?
    What do I need to be concerned about or is there something I should mix with the Aliette to lessen any issues due to prior application? I read something on the label but don't quite understand it.

    As long as 7 days has passed since the application of copper you should be ok to apply the Aliette WDG Fungicide.  The label is advising against tanking mixing with solubilized copper or applying back to back.

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  • Asked by Bob from Iowa
    Can Aliette WDG Fungicide be tank mixed with Clearys Protect and/or Subdue Maxx?

    Per the product label, Aliette WDG Fungicide is compatible with most other fungicides: 

    “For control of diseases such as Aerial Web Blight, Alternaria Leaf Blight, Botrytis Blight, Fusarium Leaf Spot, Helminthosporium Leaf Spot, and Ray Blight, Aliette can be tank mixed with Chipco 26019 Brand Fungicide. Consult the Chipco 26019 Brand Fungicide label for a complete listing of diseases controlled and for application rates. If a tank mix with other fungicides is used, follow label directions for the use of that product and apply at the recommended rate for control of the target disease organism. Aliette is not compatible with the flowable formulation of Rubigan A.S. and Spectro 90WDG. These products should not be combined for application.”

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  • Asked by Leah from Lander Wy.
    Does Aliette WDG Fungicide kill lawn mushrooms
    I have several circles in my lawn where mushrooms grow on the edges of the circles. If this product doesn't kill these can you recommend a product that does thank you
    Aliette WDG is not labeled to treat mushrooms. We recommend you contact your local cooperative extension office and get the mushroom identified and the master gardener on staff should be able to tell you what will work to eliminate the type of mushroom you are dealing with.
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  • Asked by Jerry from Highland, Ca
    Can Aliette WDG Fungicide treat Avocado tree root rot? How is it applied? How much do I apply?
    Aliette WDG Fungicide is labeled to treat root rot. However, it is not specifically labeled for Avacado root rot. We recommend contacting your Master Gardener at Your Local Cooperative Extension Office to find out what treatment is recommended in your area.
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  • Asked by James from Wpb, Fl
    How long and how often can I spray Aliette WDG Fungicide after the fungus is controlled?
    I used Aliette to wipe out a fungus infection is 15 orchids. It worked well and orchids look great. I have been spraying with Aliette every other week after fungus controlled/gone. How long can this be used as a preventative? How often should I spray?

    According to the product label, for most applications of Aliette WDG Fungicide, you can repeat as necessary but do not exceed one application every 30 days. You may begin preventative applications when conditions first favor disease and repeat at recommended intervals. 

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  • Asked by G from Torrance, Ca
    Is Aliette WDG Fungicide effective for treating juniper and pine diseases?
    I have juniper and pine bonsai both showing needle discoloring. Are the mixing instructions the same for foliar spraying and soil drenching?

    Aliette is a very effective fungicide for treating pines and junipers for diseases.

    DRENCH APPLICATIONS to plants such as Aphelandra, Azalea, Boxwood, Cissus, Dieffenbachia, Japanese Holly, Juniper, Monterey Pine, Philodendron, Pieris, Pittosporum, Rhododendron, Schefflera, Spathiphyllum, and Taxus media: Mix 0.4 to 0.8 pounds (6.4 to 12.8 ounces) of product with 100 gallons of water and apply to 400 square feet (equivalent to 2 pints. solution per square feet). Repeat as necessary but do not exceed one application every 30 days.

    FOLIAR APPLICATIONS to plants such as Aglaonema, Aphelandra, Azalea, Bougainvillea, Boxwood, Cattelya skinneri, Cissus, Dieffenbachia, Hibiscus, Juniper, Leather-leaf Fern, Pittosporum, Philodendron, Pothos, Rhododendron, Spathiphyllum and Taxus media. Mix 2.5 to 5.0 pounds of product with 100 gallons of water and spray to wet. If less than 100 gallons of spray solution is applied per acre, then apply 2.5 to 5.0 pounds of product per acre. Do not exceed 400 gallons of spray solution per acre. Repeat as necessary but do not exceed one application every 30 days.


    FOLIAR APPLICATIONS to conifers such as Douglas firs, spruce, and pines. Mix 2.5 to 5.0 pounds of product in 100 gallons of water and spray to wet. If less than 100 gallons of spray solution is applied per acre, then apply 2.5 to 5.0 pounds of product per acre. Do not exceed 400 gallons of spray solution per acre. Do not exceed more than one application every thirty days.

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  • Asked by Nora from Hayward, Ca
    Can I use Aliette WDG on fruit trees?

    No, Aliette WDG Fungicide is not labeled to be used on fruit trees.  You may want to consider a product like Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide Concentrate for fruit trees. We recommend reading the label for application instructions.

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  • Asked by Simone from Newbury
    Can Aliette WDG Fungicide treat rose rust please?

    Aliette WDG Fungicide is not labeled for rust on roses.  Fung-onil Multi-purpose fungicide by Bonide would be a better option.

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  • Asked by Leong
    Can I use Aliette WDG for Durian Phytophora Palmivora disease?
    What is the correct dosage (gram a.i. per liter) needs to be in the tree for both treatment and prevention purposes? what is the most efficient uptake for the durian trees? foliar spray or soil drenching?

    Aliette WDG Fungicide is not labeled for application to a Durian Tree. If you would like to speak to the manufacturer directly you can reach Bayer at 1-800-331-2867.

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  • Asked by Fadi from Pflugerville, Tx
    What group fungicide is Aliette WDG Fungicide?

    Aliette WDG Fungicide is a Group 33 fungicide per the product FAQ sheet. Most of the time, the FRAC Code/Group is located in the top right corner on the front side of the label on the container as on the container of Aliette WDG. 

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Displaying 1 to 14 (of 14 questions)