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Leslie from Fairview, Nc writes

I am having a serious Boxelder bug problem.

I have had them for years! No one can get control, not even the pros. They get a treatment and move to another area of the yard. Now they are working their way inside. I also am starting to get roaches; I bought a dryer from a yard sale. Now they just appeared a few days after that. Don't know if they came in with the dryer or not. Again, the pros cannot get control. HELP!!! I do have a small dog and grandbabies on the way. They are also a problem down the road from me. They are in multitudes and I have never seen nor dealt with anything like this.


Outdoor applications of Demon WP made once a month October - November can help you get control of the boxelder bugs, though you must understand that it will not drive them off of your property, it will only stop most of them from gaining entry into your home. You should also take the time to inspect the outside of your home and seal up any cracks, crevices or gaps you find so that you are limiting places where the insects can enter your home. Demon WP will also help eliminate roaches from your home but you will need to use it in conjunction with a high quality roach bait gel and an insect growth regulator as roaches like to hide and may not readily come into contact with treated surfaces. You can find both a roach bait gel and an IGR sold together in our Roach Control Kits. When the actual application of the Demon WP is being made all pets and children should be out of the house, and they can return as soon as the treated areas are dry. The roach bait gel should be placed directly into cracks and crevices around counters, sinks, drawers and cabinets. This will make the gel available to the roaches and inaccessible to your pets and children. The Gentrol Point Source do not actually contain any insecticides, just an insect juvenile growth hormone mimic. These discs can also be placed out of reach of children and animals and are readily used in sensitive locations such as hospitals and day cares everyday. Severe infestations may take several months to eliminate no matter what products you use. Sanitation will be a key factor in eliminating the roaches. Please take a few minutes to read the hints and tips in our German Cockroach article and our Boxelder Bug article to learn more about eliminating these pests.

Answer last updated on: 10/20/2011

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