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Oliver from Singapore writes

I am intending to install some new cabinets in my new house. I am worried of termites and also mold.

There is sign of termites infestation in some old cupboards which I had discarded recently. Other than that, I did not find any traces of termites elsewhere in the house. As I am worried about both termites and mold, can I apply one coat of Boracare for the new cabinets followed by one coat of Boracare with mold care? This is because I am worried that Boracare with mold care alone may not be sufficient/strong enough to prevent the termites (which previously are present in the house) from attacking the new cabinets.


According to the manufacturer you can apply a coat of the Boracare followed by a coat of the Boracare with Moldcare. We hope this information is helpful!

Answer last updated on: 07/22/2012

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