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Mark from Bethesda, Mf writes

I am looking for an all inclusive pesticide that will kill every crawling bug that may invade my home.

Getting ready to move, and want to get a jump on any bugs....ants, roaches, silver fish, centipedes, termites, flies, fleas, and whatever else might want to crawl around my house. I live in Maryland, Washington, DC area.


We would recommend that you treat with Onslaught FastCap Spider and Scorpion Insecticide. It is labeled to treat over 200+ insects and will provide an indoor 90 day residual and a 30 day out door residual. It is mixed at 1 ounce per gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft. Please refer to the product label for full mixing and application instructions.

Answer last updated on: 08/30/2014

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