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Jenn from Athens, Ga writes

Am I required to keep pest control on my house?

My pest control company told me I have to keep pest control on my house, or I won't ever be able to sell it (without proof of constant pest control) but it is expensive and they never find termite activity. I know that is always subject to change, but isn't there a way I can do it myself and not suffer the consequences if I decide to sell? Thank you!


We cannot answer that question for you.  You are definitely not required, however, if your state requires a termite letter at the time of closing, only professional companies can issue these letters and if you do not have an active contract with a company you will usually be forced to pay a large sum to have your house treated to get a clearance letter.  You should call your state Department of Agriculture which is usually the department that manages pest control companies and ask if your state is one that requires a termite closing letter when selling a house. 

Answer last updated on: 06/08/2012

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