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Angela from Nashville, Tn writes


We have a huge ant problem. We sprayed outside but there are a lot in the house and they get in your food if it is on any surface and we want them out but we have two children ages 4 & 5 so I need something that will destroy the ANTS fast but not hurt our kids. We need help ASAP!!!!!!


Spraying for ants outdoors is a great place to start and will control the ant populations outdoors but using a bait for the ants that are already inside is also necessary. We recommend the InTice Gelanimo Ant Bait stations which are natural, very effective, and easy to use. Intice Gelanimo Ant Bait is a high-moisture gel similar to gelatin, and allows ants to feed over the entire surface of the bait, so more ants can feed at once without drowning in the bait. Ants can also cut pieces of gelanimo ant bait and carry it back to the nest. With Gelanimo stations there are no spills, no mess, and no sticky or gooey bait on your fingers or counter tops. Be sure to keep all bait stations out of reach of children and pets.

Answer last updated on: 04/14/2014

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