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Chuck from Faber Va writes

Any version that works longer than 30 days for Carpenter Bees?


We recommend looking at one of our Carpenter Bee Kits for a complete treatment program for Carpenter Bees. Most insecticides used outdoors will only have around a 30 day residual. Please read the information below for guidelines on how to do treat thoroughly for this pest. Getting Rid of Carpenter Bees Carpenter bees nest in wood; they do not eat it like termites. Before treating, make sure you have located all entry points of the bees, which look like perfectly round ½ inch holes. We sell all the products mentioned below, and all are included in our carpenter bee kits. There will be male carpenter bees hovering around the openings. The male bees do not have stingers but may act aggressively and startle passersby. You can choose to use a knockdown aerosol to eliminate these bees or just swat them away. Females are equipped with stingers but rarely sting.  An insecticide dust is the key product you will use to kill carpenter bees. A dust product like D-Fense Dust is perfect for the small holes that lead to the bee’s chambers. The bees will have to pass through the openings and will come in contact with the dust. Using a hand duster will ensure the dust can coat the tunnel surfaces and reach deep into the tunnels. There may be many entry holes and it is important to treat them all. After you have treated the entry holes, the holes need to be plugged. However, you should not plug these holes while the bees are inside; they are likely to chew their way out. The larvae hatch and emerge in the spring – when you are most likely to notice them- so treat when you see them and notice the holes. Treat again in the summer and once more in early fall, before the bees return to their chambers to overwinter. It is very important to plug the holes because carpenter bees will return to their old nests every year. Use plastic or wooden plugs or putty and always finish the wood with varnish, sealant, or paint to further deter the bees.

Answer last updated on: 12/29/2014

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