Product Q&A

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Sara from Redding, Ca writes

I applied Bayer Advanced Fruit, Citrus and Vegetable Insect Control while my strawberries were in bloom and had fruit on them. When can I harvest and consume the strawberries?

I know it says harvest after 14 days but I'm unsure now because it says do not apply while plant is flowering.


The instructions on the product label for Bayer Advanced Fruit, Citrus and Vegetable Insect Control that say not to while plants are in bloom are meant to protect bees, since bees may be foraging while plants are blooming and could be harmed by the insecticide.  As long as you wait the recommended 14 days after the product was applied to harvest the fruit, it will be fine to consume the strawberries.   

Answer last updated on: 05/06/2019

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