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Brenda from Conyers, Ga writes

Are opossums included in the rat family?

I need to kill opossums chipmunks and moles. Is there a product that will cover all three.


Despite its appearance, the opossum is not related to the rat. In fact, the opossum is a marsupial, or “pouched” mammal, and is therefore related to other marsupials such as the kangaroo and the koala. The most common way to get rid of opossums is to trap them. There is not a poison labled to kill them. The trap that is made for that sized animal is the Havahart 1085 Trap. Please see our Opossum Control/Trapping/Removal Guide. There are also no poisons on the market to kill chipmunks, we recommend trapping them as well. Another option would be gassing chipmunk burrows and this can be done with Giant Destroyers. Please see our Chipmunk Control Guide.  There are many different ways to treat for moles. One of the most effective means of mole control is using Talpirid Bait. One Talprid Mole Bait worm contains a lethal dose and can kill in 24 hours. Please take a look at our Mole Control Page.  

Answer last updated on: 06/07/2017

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