Kyle writes
In some of your previously answered questions, you mention that Suspend SC can't be used directly on indoor carpeting and should be limited to spot use in these scenarios. On the Suspend SC brochure from the Bayer website they mention that the product is safe for use on carpets and even on mattresses. Why the contradiction? Did previous formulas of the product disallow this type of application?
The Suspend SC brochure does indeed mention using the product in the areas specified. What it doesn't mention is how you can use the product on those areas. In our previously answered questions we do say that Suspend SC can be used as a spot treatment only on carpets and that it can be used on mattresses. According to the Suspend SC product label "For control of carpet beetles, fleas and ticks indoors, apply as a coarse, low pressure crack and crevice or spot treatment to problem areas and infested habitats. Do not treat entire floor, carpet or floor coverings. Do not apply as a space spray. Application to furniture should be restricted to areas where prolonged contact by humans will not occur. Care should be taken to limit spot treatment to pet beds and infested floor coverings." The wording on the Suspend Sc product label specifically prohibits treating entire carpets or floor coverings. The label also limits you to 'crack and crevice' or 'spot' treatments. We and the applicator using Suspend SC are bound by law to follow the product label attached to the product. Suspend SC can be used on carpets and mattresses but you cannot spray the product over the entire area, you must limit you application to cracks and crevices and spot treatments only. You can find this information on the Suspend SC product label on page 2, last paragraph.
Answer last updated on: 04/25/2011