Artavia 2 SC Fungicide has a 3-5 year shelf life when stored out of extreme freezine or hot temperatures.
Artavia 2 SC Fungicide does not require watering in and should be applied when no rain or watering is within 48 hours after application.
Artavia 2 SC Fungicide has a 3-5 year shelf life when stored in a cool/room temperature environment. Do not store in garage, shed or workshop where it can be exposed to extreme heat or freezing temperatures.
As stated on the product label of Artavia 2 SC Fungicide, "In addition, do not tank mix ARTAVIA 2 SC with other fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, fertilizers, adjuvants, etc., unless local experience indicates that the tank mix is safe to ornamental plants." You could potentially mix a fungicide like Artavia 2 SC and a pre-emergent like Prodiamine 65 WDG together. Keep in mind that the Prodiamine does need to be activated into the soil with at least 0.25" of water by watering or rainfall within about 14 days for best results. We always recommend that you perform a small jar test for compatibility before mixing a large tank of two new products for the first time. When tank mixing 2 products, you want to be sure to follow the most restrictive labeling.
Artavia 2 SC Product Label:
Prodiamine 65 WDG (Generic Barricade) Product Label: