AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide is diluted at 8 - 18 oz. per gallon of water. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.
AXXE also does not mention tank mixing at all on the label. Ammonium Nonanoate works by dissolving plant cell walls in leaves in stems. This causes plants to lose water, drying them out and killing above ground growth and the roots die after. So it will only kill what is sprayed and does not prevent any new weeds from growing, there is no residual after application.
Usually people do not tank mix a natural option AXXE with a chemical product like Roundup. AXXE leaves no soil residual which is what most people using it for want. Roundup can stay in the soil for up to 2 weeks
For broadleaf weeds around your pecan trees, you are really limited to spot treating using a non-selective herbicide such as the RoundUp. You may also consider a natural product such as Axxe Herbicide for use around edibles.
AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide is a non-selective post-emergent herbicide for foliar spray applications to undesirable plant growth. It penetrates the cell wall tissues of plants to disrupt the cellular organization, but does not effect the roots or provide any residual control in the soil to affect germinating weeds.