Customer Reviews for Bio Advanced Fruit, Citrus and Vegetable Insect Control

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Average Customer Rating

4.3 of 5 stars
(12 customer reviews)
Displaying 1 to 12 (of 12 reviews)
  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Cured Scale Insect Problem on Key Lime Fast

    By Anthony on 07/08/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I bought this because I heard that it was one of the very few treatments for scale insects. My Key Lime tree had not been bearing fruit and seemed stagnant as far as new growth is concerned. I discovered that the stems were covered with tiny brown scale insects. The leaves were tell-tale: they were covered with a shiny, wax-like coating which the insects secrete to protect themselves making them impervious to ordinary insecticides. The Bayer treatment is systemic, being drawn up through the roots and poisons these pests from the inside. In a matter of a few days the scale insects were dead and could be easily removed. This stuff is a miracle!

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    36 of 36 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    David W., Spring, TX

    By David on 06/29/2012

    This Product has been the best best insect control I have use in my vegetable garden. Buy it and you will glad you did

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    29 of 31 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great for the Control of Scale Insects on Citrus

    By Anthony on 07/20/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Scale insects are among THE most difficult to control. They attach themselves to the stems and leaves of plants and secrete a shellac-like material that makes them largely impervious to sprayed-on treatments. I had a Kumquat and Key Lime tree that were infested. It was hard to tell the insects were there except for the tell-tale presence of the coating on some of the leaves; they were shiny, while others were naturally dull. The Bayer Insect Control is systemic meaning that you dilute it with water and feed it to the plant. Then it poisons the insects via the juice and sap they suck out of the plant. Within a week of treatment the scale insects were dead and could be flaked off the trees. FANTASTIC!

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    21 of 21 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It Works on leafminers.

    By Dogman on 03/27/2017

    Tried 3 different sprays for 6 months with no success on leafminers that were slowly destroying my satsuma tree. This product by Bayer seems to have them in check shortly after application.

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    16 of 17 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Bayer Advanced insect control

    By Bill on 09/01/2014

    Verified Purchase

    The citrus trees I purchased came with a tag saying it was treated with this type of treatment and recommended a follow up treatment after the expiration date as on the tag. It was recommended by the state of Florida. Only time will tell if it does it's job.

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    12 of 17 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Easy button chemical ...

    By Lester on 03/16/2018

    Excellent control of insects ... do not use while petals are attached to prevent injury to bee pollinators ...

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    7 of 7 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works well

    By Rick on 03/30/2018

    Keeps the leaf miners and so far has prevented Asian citrus psyllid on my citrus.

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    6 of 6 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    BioAdvanced Fruit, Citrus & Vegetable insect control

    By Paul on 04/24/2020

    In accordance with instruction on applying this product to my Red Naval Orange tree and my lemon tree, "ALL" the established fruit dropped from each tree. In the past, both of these trees produced a lot of fruit and I am wondering if next year these trees will even produce.

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    6 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Love this product

    By Dee on 06/05/2020

    I was very disappointed that I couldn't find it in a local store this year. So I went surfing. It takes care of a lot of garden pests and once a season does the job.

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    4 of 4 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bayer Advanced Fruit,

    By Gerardo on 04/28/2017

    This is nice

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    3 of 3 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works as advertised!!

    By Cheryl on 07/11/2020

    I have had no aphids since using this product in my vegetable garden..applied it two weeks ago. Hopefully it will work for the full growing season!

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    3 of 3 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    shipping is bad

    By R on 07/19/2020

    have not received it yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    2 of 7 people found this review helpful

Displaying 1 to 12 (of 12 reviews)