Bird Scare Devices

Bird scare devices are a popular choice when trying to rid your property of nuisance birds. Using bird scare devices takes persistence, but they can be a valuable addition to your bird control tools. We have a wide variety of frightening devices, including visual and audio products, which will help you get rid of nuisance birds.

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An amber solar-powered light that flashes to keep unwanted geese from lawns and gardens for up 75 yards.
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An essential mounting tool for Zon Scare Gun bird deterrent.
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A lightweight compact propane-fired cannon that diffuses an automatic thunderclaps, resulting to discourage birds and other nuisance wildlife in large open areas.
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A high-quality laser that solves bird problems and comes with a powerful laser beam to assure its effectivity.
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An essential tool necessary for Zon Scare Gun bird deterrent.

About Bird Scare Devices

Bird scare devices are items that can startle or frighten birds and cause the birds to roost elsewhere. There are several types of bird scare devices, including holographic strips, reflectors, scare-eye balloons or flags, birds of prey decoys, sound machines, and more. Certain items may work better for certain birds, and you will probably have to rotate devices often to keep them working against unwanted birds.

How To Use Bird Scare Devices

Bird scare devices can be tricky, because birds can get accustomed to the scare devices quickly. Rotating items and moving them around can help, as well as proper timing. Here are some tips to help you use bird scare devices most effectively.

  • Bird scare devices with eyespots or faces should be facing the area you want to control.
  • Visual scare devices should be moved frequently, especially when you first introduce the devices to your property, so the birds do not get used to them.
  • Birds can be tough to scare or startle once they are already perched in the safety of their familiar roosts. Audio devices can be played between sunset and dark, and again at sunrise, to frighten birds away while they are on their way to or from their roosts.
  • When using an audio scare device, rotate the location of the device often, every two or three days. This will keep the birds guessing where the sound is coming from and not let them become comfortable with the sound.
  • Using audio and visual deterrents together will increase the effectiveness of your efforts. Use a variety of sounds, colors, shapes, and effects to keep your frightening techniques fresh.

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