Peter from Canyon Lake, Tx 78133 writes
I am showing signs of Shot Spot fungus on my Otto Luyken laurel bushes. I have 3336F Fungicide on hand, will it control Shot Spot (not on label. If so, what is the application rate per gallon?
Yes, you are correct. The 3336F Fungicide is not labeled to treat for Shot Spot on Laurel bushes. We recommend that you treat the cherry laurels (common name for Otto Luyken Laurel) for Coryneum blight (shot hole disease) with Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide Concentrate. It may be used at 0.5 to 2.0 ounces per gallon of water depending on what other diseases you are treating. Please refer to the product label for complete instructions.
Answer last updated on: 03/07/2022