Product Q&A

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Jason from Springfield writes

Can I apply a second application of 3 Way Max Turf and Ornamental Broadleaf Herbicide twice in one week if the first application was only applied at the 1/2 rate?

I treated 2,000 sq feet of my lawn with only enough product to accurately cover 1,000 sq feet. It has been three days since the last application, would it harm my Tall Fescue to do a second application at the 1/2 rate in the same week?


The 3 Way Max Turf and Ornamental Broadleaf Herbicide states that a second application can be done after 30 days of the 1st application. This product is limited to 2 applications per year and a maximum of 5 pints per acre per season and 10 pints per acre per year. Please refer to page 9 of the product label for more details.   

Answer last updated on: 04/25/2018

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