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Chris from Md writes

Can I apply Tenacity Herbicide if reseeding with Bermuda?


Tenacity Herbicide is only labeled to be used on Bermuda when it is dormant, otherwise it can be sensitive to applications and could harm it. Since Tenacity Herbicide can be used only on fully dormant Bermudagrass, there is not a time when you would be overseeding and using Tenacity at the same time. You would overseed with Bermuda when the turf is actively growing in spring or summer, if needed at all. So if you applied Tenacity on dormant Bermuda, then it would be long gone by the time the turf is completely green and any seeding would be done. If you would like to tell us more about the weeds you are targeting, then we can recommend alternate products for your needs.  

Answer last updated on: 07/05/2022

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Tenacity Herbicide

Tenacity Herbicide

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