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David from Nitro, Wv writes

Can Bonide Hot Pepper Wax Animal Repellent RTU be used in an attic space and eaves where I have a squirrel issue?

Not 100% sure how they are getting in but can hear them run along the wood soffit. And above one of the bed rooms. The space is to limited along the eaves/soffit to put a cage trap. If I can't get rid of in this more natural way I will have to resort to a more lethal method of trapping


Bonide Hot Pepper Wax Animal Repellent RTU can be used on plants that animals feed on and on wood structures and fences. It is not meant for indoor use unless you are treating indoor plants. A better option would be DeTour For Rodents And Insects. This can be used to seals holes, cracks and crevices, removing rodents and insect harborages. This product creates a barrier sealant that repels rodents and insects, allowing a barrier so that they will not cross over due to the hot chili pepper oil. The main places for use are on pipes, along walls, in gnawed openings, runways, vent screens, A/C ducts, holes in walls, floor drains, near burrows, holes in sidings, doorways, in cracks, in rodent holes and grease traps.

Answer last updated on: 06/20/2017

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