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Marymargaret from Moscow, Idz writes

Can Bonide Systemic Houseplant Insect Control be put in a self-watering pot's water?

I water my African Violet from bottom only, in a self-watering pot, Can I put the indicated amount of granules in the water of this self watering pot? African Violets do not like to have water around they leaves or stems, so putting it on the soil and watering it in is out, and I already purchased the product.


Bonide Systemic Houseplant Insect Control would not be placed in water, it must be applied as directed on the label.  Mix the granules thoroughly into the top layer of the soil making sure not to damage the upper roots. Water in thoroughly.  Mixing with water first would break the product down, making it ineffective.  The watering in is just to get it down to the roots in the soil.

Answer last updated on: 11/30/2019

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