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Paul from Marlton writes

Can Celero Herbicide be combined with Propiconazole 14.3 in a sprayer for broadcast application over the entire lawn?

I live in southern part of New Jersey in transition zone and have been dealing with false-green kyllinga for years now. Also have lawn fungus issues periodically, and wanted to see if ok to put fungicide down with Celero.


Yes, you can potentially mix those products together. The product label for Propiconazole 14.3 states "If Quali-Pro Propiconazole 14.3 is tank mixed with other products, use the following sequence: Always check the compatibility of the tank mix using a jar test with proportionate amounts of Quali-Pro Propiconazole 14.3, other chemicals to be used, and the water before mixing in the spray tank." 

Answer last updated on: 06/17/2020

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Celero Herbicide

Celero Herbicide

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