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Scott from Coarsegold, Ca writes

Can Cy-Kick CS and Termidor SC be combined and sprayed together?

I have all the insects imaginable in Central California Mountains at about 3000 ft elevation. Is one or the other better or both?


Termidor SC and Cy Kick should never be mixed and sprayed together. They are two very different products and the Termidor is designed for very specific treatments only. Cy Kick would be a fantastic product for you to use and it can be sprayed every 30 days outdoors if needed but will often last 60-90 days depending on how the outdoor elements affect it over time. Cy Kick also is labeled to be used indoors around baseboards and cracks and crevices. You would want to spray the Cy Kick 2-3 feet up and 2-3 feet out all the way around the foundation of the home and around window and door frames and other entry points for pests. You can also treat areas of the yard where you have heavy insect populations as well.

Answer last updated on: 07/07/2014

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Cy-Kick CS

Cy-Kick CS

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