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Susan from Austin, Tx writes

Can Cy-Kick CS be used indoors? Can it be used simultaneously with Ultracide?

I am going to use Ultracide to contol the flea life cycle in the carpeting. We don't have pets, but live in an area with a lot of wildlife which seems to cause the outbreaks. I need Cy-Kick to control the scorpions that enter the house and am thinking of spraying the indoor baseboards with it.


Cy-Kick CS can be applied indoors to the cracks and crevices for the treatment of scorpions and other listed pests. It is not labeled to be applied indoors as a broadcast for flea treatments so we recommend that you vacuum daily and apply Ultracide once every two weeks indoors for flea control. A minimum of two indoor applications of Ultracide is required. You may have to perform a third or fourth application depending on the level of fleas. We also recommend treating your pets and the outside of your home. Flea Treatments Articles Scorpion Treatment Article

Answer last updated on: 03/09/2015

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Cy-Kick CS

Cy-Kick CS

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