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Hank writes

Can Demand CS only be used outdoors? Or outside only when treating fleas?

Why does the label advise you that the treatment for fleas is "for outdoors only?" I want to get rid of fleas inside my house. If Demand CS works outside for fleas, why wouldn't it work inside for fleas while you were treating for other types of pests (e.g. roaches)? Should I use a different product for fleas? I was hoping to find a single product for everything. Any thoughts?


Demand CS is an excellent product for fleas, but the reason it is labeled for outside use only is because Demand CS is labeled to spray on the yard and large areas outside.  For inside the home, Demand CS is labeled to spray along baseboards, crack and crevices, and under appliances which is great for most insects but not for fleas.  Fleas can be in your carpet, on sofas, and on other areas where you cannot spray Demand CS because it is not labeled to be applied as a space spray or on areas that you come in contact with like your couch, chairs, pet bedding, etc.  We do have products that are labeled for fleas and for indoors and these products work very well and more effectively for fleas inside the home.  Our most popular flea control products come in our Outdoor/Indoor Flea Control Kit.  It has a very high success rate when used properly and is safe to use indoors around children and pets. It also can be applied in both areas for treatment.

Answer last updated on: 09/14/2009

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