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Phil from California writes

Can Fogmaster Micro Jet ULV Fogger 7401 unit be used as a stationary unit to fill a greenhouse?

I want to fog a few 10x10 ft greenhouses. I would rather not be in the room while this happens. I was wondering if I can set this unit on the ground with a timer, point it upwards and just let it fill the room. I have some very large tomato plants that are very difficult to fully cover with a hand held sprayer and want to be sure they get full coverage through a thick canopy.


This Fogmaster Micro Jet ULV Fogger 7401 can be set on the ground and pointed upwards as you suggested.  That is not a problem.  It does not come with a timer though, but you could hook the power cord up to one.

Answer last updated on: 05/08/2012

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