Product Q&A

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Julie writes

Can Invict Gold Roach Bait Gel be used for roaches other than German roaches?

I noticed the product label only mentions German Roaches. I'm not sure what kind of roaches I have. Will this bait be effective for other roaches, too?


No. Invict Gold Roach bait gel should only be used for identified German roach infestations. If you are not sure what species of roach you have, you should use a bait that has a broader label such as Advion Roach Bait Gel. Advion Roach Bait Gel is labeled for most species of roaches that commonly infest structures including German roaches. Advion Roach Bait Gel is also included in the Roach Control Kit #1 and the Roach Control Kit #2 for your convenience.

Answer last updated on: 10/01/2010

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